Why is everyone always pickin on me

Soul Shriven
I have noticed something that is really messed up.
I am trying for the last week to fight Menemarcco. I am 5 levels above him and even though there are 3 other targets besides me in the fight...everyone of the adds to the boss fight target me and leave all the others alone.
This makes it almost impossible to kill him as a NightBlade
Is it possible to fix this Dev Team?
  • Tonturri
    The adds die really, -really- fast and easily if you poke them - the ghost things. can't remember any other adds, but just click an aoe spell and then forget about em. I used the bow AoE snare on my NB.
  • DeLindsay
    HiredGun wrote: »
    I have noticed something that is really messed up.
    I am trying for the last week to fight Menemarcco. I am 5 levels above him and even though there are 3 other targets besides me in the fight...everyone of the adds to the boss fight target me and leave all the others alone.
    This makes it almost impossible to kill him as a NightBlade
    Is it possible to fix this Dev Team?

    He was REALLY hard for me as a NB, but I was also standard Archer + Medium Armor and worse a ST build back then. I'd say he's probably the hardest boss in the game (pre-Trials). What I did is CC's the Ghosts he spawns and then kept wailing on Mani until he died with liberal use of pots and Swallow Soul, with Twilight's set. Draining Shot was my friend in that fight. But tbh, if you already have access to Veil of Blades (which ALL Nightblades should asap) and have it charged before the fight it's a non-issue. It will kill all the spawned ghosts without you having to touch them and you can simply focus on Manimarco the entire time.
  • HiredGun
    Soul Shriven
    @‌ DeLindsay I am the same build Stm/Bow/Med Armor....It just seems a bit too hard for me...I might be doing somthing wrong...but after a week of trying differnt methods..it just seems about 15-20% too hard for a solo NB
  • HiredGun
    Soul Shriven
    @ DeLindsay again..i am missing some of the skills you are saying...I'll respec and tey again...but DAMN...it shouldn't be THIS freakin hard
  • kijima
    Cos you run like a girl and you sit down to pee!

    Sorry, couldn't help myself when I read your thread title. :blush:
    Edited by kijima on July 11, 2014 4:13AM
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • DeLindsay
    @HiredGun I'm not sure if you've already passed this quest but in 1.3 the changes to crafted gear are favoring Stamina based builds which might give you that little bit of an edge you need to defeat Manimarco.
  • Artemiisia
    k if you want the tactics to manimarco read spoiler
    Manimarco fight is a close combat, melee range, adds die fast if you just focus on them right when they come, drop your ultimates on them. that lightbeam he does, that really got to me at first, interrupt it fast, hence this is a melee range fight
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