Soul Shriven
ESO is down for maintenance in the middle of Monday morning when school is out & players want to play. Oh well, guess we are forced into playing a competitor's game.
  • tom.danhelb16_ESO
    Mornings aren't Prime Time.
  • kbeeson1987
    Soul Shriven
    They don't care if your in school or not. When would you suggest they solve these problems? Maybe you should take a Xanax, take a walk outside, and come back and not game for a few hours.
  • LtCrunch
    This is definitely not "prime time"
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Vuron
    Did you just start? It is the same day/time every week. This is nothing new.
  • Phantax
    isn't prime time between 5pm and 9pm or anytime at weekends ?
    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    Maintenance is almost over. But yeah maybe they should do it during non primetime hours like Friday night or Saturdays.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Prime time at the workplace you mean.
  • Sotha_Sil
    Prime time in New delhi you mean :)
    Edited by Sotha_Sil on July 7, 2014 2:29PM
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • Jagath
    it would be better if they switched the EU and US maint times...I don't see why 8am is better than 3am when most US players are probably sleeping.
  • DenverRalphy
    When they decide what time to schedule the regular maintenance and patch times, they choose it based on having monitored and observed which times of the day typically has the least amount of traffic.

    As somebody who works some really odd hours and therefore play many late-night and early hour sessions, I can state with relative confidence that 8am ET is pretty close to when the American servers are the most noticeably at the lowest population. And it's stays a very low population until around 5 or 6 hours later.
  • frwinters_ESO
    Most people who play these games are actually standard working class people who don't get home until after 5pm on average. Sounds like you need a summer job.
  • Arsenic_Touch
    Prime Time ? Inigo Montoya would like a word with you.
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • Gary_ESO5
    Soul Shriven
    Server maintenance is normally done during the wee hours of the night. Because the fewer customers a business inconveniences, the more customers the business has. I want ESO to succeed.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Sadly the troll got well and truly fed .. we all know schools are 'out' on a weekday morning.

  • Jimm_ay
    because they don't want to play over time :P
  • Jimm_ay
    err pay overtime
  • born2beagator
    Maintenance is over here at 10:30 am.

    I think you'll survive.
  • kitsinni
    While the middle of the night would make a lot more sense .. this is not prime time.
  • Whisper292
    Gary_ESO5 wrote: »
    Server maintenance is normally done during the wee hours of the night. Because the fewer customers a business inconveniences, the more customers the business has. I want ESO to succeed.

    But see, that's just it. If it was something that ZOS's customers needed while they were at work (assuming a regular 8-5, M-F job), maybe the maintenance times would be different. But unless people have really great jobs with a lot of downtime so they can play while they're at work, less people are going to be in the game in the mornings. And I don't know a lot of school kids who get out of bed at 8:00 am to game.

    I'm on Eastern Daylight Time, and the vast majority of people I know play in the evenings or in the middle of the night. At this hour of the day, most of them are either working or sleeping. I know there are second- and third-shifters for whom this is not the case, but evidently there are less of them playing at this time as well. ZOS didn't pick this timeframe arbitrarily; they have data and measures that tell them what peak times and low times are.
    Love all, trust few, do wrong to no one. - William Shakespeare
  • Tannakaobi
    Mornings aren't Prime Time.

    At the risk of giving too much credit, I think the figure of speech 'Tongue-in-cheek' may apply in this case...

    Maybe :o

    Gary_ESO5 wrote: »
    Server maintenance is normally done during the wee hours of the night. Because the fewer customers a business inconveniences, the more customers the business has. I want ESO to succeed.

    Maybe not! :p
    Edited by Tannakaobi on July 7, 2014 2:59PM
  • Viblo
    They have already stated that they picked the time of day that their data showed the least amount of people played hence affecting the least amount of people. These complaints about any time other than the time they have picked is absolutely absurd on your part because you have no data to back your claims while ESO does have the data.
  • Arsenic_Touch
    Tannakaobi wrote: »
    Mornings aren't Prime Time.

    At the risk of giving too much credit, I think the figure of speech 'Tongue-in-cheek' may apply in this case...

    Maybe :o

    Gary_ESO5 wrote: »
    Server maintenance is normally done during the wee hours of the night. Because the fewer customers a business inconveniences, the more customers the business has. I want ESO to succeed.

    Maybe not! :p

    Too much credit indeed.
    Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

    ╔═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
    "Hope can drown lost in thunderous sound."
    "Fear can claim what little faith remains."
    "Death will take those who fight alone."
    "But united we can break a fate once set in stone."

    ╚═════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝

    NA // Ebonheart Pact // Leader of CORE Legion // Namira Beta Tester // VR11 NB
  • GnatB
    Gary_ESO5 wrote: »
    ESO is down for maintenance in the middle of Monday morning when school is out & players want to play. Oh well, guess we are forced into playing a competitor's game.

    1. Morning isn't prime time.
    2. 160px-ESRB-ver2013_M.png
    17+. Barring seniors and a few juniors, kids that'd be going to school (and not college) probably shouldn't be playing this game anyways.

    Achievements Suck
  • kitsinni
    Viblo wrote: »
    They have already stated that they picked the time of day that their data showed the least amount of people played hence affecting the least amount of people. These complaints about any time other than the time they have picked is absolutely absurd on your part because you have no data to back your claims while ESO does have the data.

    I can not believe that 8:00 on a Monday in the Summer has less traffic than 4:00 or 5:00 am on a Monday.
  • dean_steusloffub17_ESO
    Gary_ESO5 wrote: »
    ESO is down for maintenance in the middle of Monday morning when school is out & players want to play. Oh well, guess we are forced into playing a competitor's game.

    Bleach in the gene pool.
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