Feels like you've gone a bit stale, ZOS. hehe. You've talked a lot, telling us what we are going to get, and that's cool, but can you give us a good update?
Will there be an FPS fix today?
Where are the new PvP campaigns? And will the rewards be a bit less dumbed down? And perhaps a bit clearer? e.g. reward top 10, mail saying "you have earned x for being in top 10".
...Can we has armour dyes plx?

Also, what are you going to do about the beautiful VR areas you've designed, that nobody has a reason to go back to? Such a shame to waste all the time creating these areas. I hope it's not a simple 'daily quest' or other such 'automaton' crap.
If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.
Write this on the back of your box and see how many sales you get!
You won't get any new PvP players until this archaic AoE crap is fixed.
I for one won't resub until:
1.) You fix lag.
2.) You remove AOE caps we voted against.
3.) 12 months have passed (this is how long we've waited for you to 'get with it')[/b]