Yes, yes, I know... another poll. But before you start groaning and muttering about my demise under your breath, let me assure you that this poll, is, in fact, at least slightly different from the others. Just take a look at the lovely options presented before you:
Edited by Tabbycat on July 6, 2014 6:54PM Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
Ways To Improve Veteran Content 18 votes
Veteran Content is perfect as it is. No changes are needed.
Veteran Content should be more difficult, require grouping, and provide better rewards.
The difficulty of veteran content is perfect as it is but the lack of sufficient rewards prevent me from wasting my time doing it.
Veteran content should be easier than it is now. Players shouldn't be forced to group in order to complete it.
This is TES. I shouldn't be forced to Quest. Give me more options for gaining Veteran levels.
We should have brand new zones to quest in for Veteran leveling besides just questing in the other faction's territories.
We should have Adventure Zones designed for VR 1-10 leveling.
I would prefer to level up in PvP and I think that we should get more XP in Cyrodiil to make it a viable way to level up.
I don't care. I'm too busy role-playing, exploring or crafting to worry about Veteran Content.