AlienDiplomat wrote: »
- Because people can't be bothered to block or roll dodge.
- Because people refuse to adapt to the situation by swapping to a ranged weapon and slotting some CC.
- Because people heard veteran content was empty or too hard on the internet and automatically believed it without bothering to try doing a little research on their class and creating two or three situational specs to counter various situations as the game intended.
- Because the MMO community has been trained like lab monkeys that if they whine and cry long and loudly enough companies will give them whatever they want even if it ruins the game.
- Because their are more paying customers that stand in fire than don't.
rotatorkuf wrote: »but hey, this is all a moot point, we're not going to change their minds
AlienDiplomat wrote: »
- Because people can't be bothered to block or roll dodge.
- Because people refuse to adapt to the situation by swapping to a ranged weapon and slotting some CC.
- Because people heard veteran content was empty or too hard on the internet and automatically believed it without bothering to try doing a little research on their class and creating two or three specs to counter various situations as the game intended.
- Because the MMO community has been trained like lab monkeys that if they whine and cry long and loudly enough companies will give them whatever they want even if it ruins the game.
- Because there are more paying customers that stand in fire than don't.
Look, if you don't want an easier time don't play easier vet zones. Don't worry about how others choose to play. Just control your own personal behavior.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »
- Because the MMO community has been trained like lab monkeys that if they whine and cry long and loudly enough companies will give them whatever they want even if it ruins the game.
- Because there are more paying customers that stand in fire than don't.
If you're a light armor dk with destro staff, SURE. this WHOLE GAME was really easy.
If your a sorc with the same, "DAMN! what are all u noobs crying about??!!"
AlienDiplomat wrote: »Can't admit the truth blah blah blah
Because it only served to add to the grind and boredom that is Vet content; quit being such a whiny drama queen.
The thread title was WHY is it being tuned down. This is why. The other classes and builds want to have as much fun as the 2 op classes and builds.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »
- Because the MMO community has been trained like lab monkeys that if they whine and cry long and loudly enough companies will give them whatever they want even if it ruins the game.
- Because there are more paying customers that stand in fire than don't.
Whether or not it was intended I blame Blizzard for this 100%. WoW has became a game that 5 year old can win at in recent years due to Activision taking over, crying on the forums by bads, and a drive to gain as many subs as humanly possible. I can't really blame them for the last bit, but HOW they went about it I do. The constant dumbing down of MMO's is out of control. I'm not saying ZoS is already heading in this direction, considering most are jumping to conclusions as to what exactly the changes will be to VR come Monday and beyond, but it's a slippery slope that once you go over the edge it's really hard to climb back up.
It was sad to read their post as it was obvious they aren't happy about the change when they talked about the vision they HAD for the game that some couldn't see. But, they are also a company and companies have to make money on the products they sell and bads pay a monthly sub too, if their voice is the loudest, guess what happens.