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History of the First NA Wabbajack Campaign

Soul Shriven
Now that the first 90 campaign in Wabbajack is over, I thought I'd post my pseudo-history from the perspective of a DC player.

Congrats to EP on the win. It was fun.
  • Talcyndl
    Nice write-up. Vokundein thanks you for recognizing our contribution to the glorious EP victory. :)

    But in all seriousness, there will never be another campaign like Wabba 1.0. It was a hell of a good time - even with all the crash, lag and queue issues we suffered through.
    Edited by Talcyndl on July 5, 2014 3:22AM
    Tal'gro Bol
    PvP Vice Officer [Retired] and Huscarl of Vokundein
  • Animus
    Thanks for the article. Reading it right now.
    Edited by Animus on July 5, 2014 2:19AM
  • Desdemonte
    Great read! Thanks for writing such an in depth review!
  • Soloeus
    Hatakeyama wrote: »
    Now that the first 90 campaign in Wabbajack is over, I thought I'd post my pseudo-history from the perspective of a DC player.

    Congrats to EP on the win. It was fun.

    It was Epic. I started in Bloodthorn but when exploiters took over the map I changed to Wabbajack. There was a lot of back and fourth and every day mattered with DC/EP at 10k in distance in scoring. I loved it.

    I loved so many players in it on all sides with a defense and attack going on at all times. AD woke up in the end with their farmed emperor groups from other servers guesting in. During the final days when DC started placing forward camps above our gates through the exploit we really held the map while fighting off constant attacks on North Gate, Farragut, Kingscrest and Arrius while still fighting back all the way.

    Was a really fun campaign and the next one I join will be for the purpose that its a close scored campaign as well with good players.

    I was an EP Wabbajack and my incentives were 2-fold:

    1. I am not a fairweather player but I don't enjoy a map with no red bases, no EP players that are any good and no ability to do dailies because of quest zone being camped by enemy factions. I needed the ability to compete somewhere.

    2. I wanted to contribute to victory and meet good players.

    Edited by Soloeus on July 5, 2014 5:53AM

    Within; Without.
  • mikeymike2785b14_ESO

    This took place a week before the nail hit the head. DC had our scroll and was just trying to bleed out our points. Our plan was to simply remove the scroll from you and run it through AD lands (since you had one of their scrolls too, they couldnt pick this one up) and whatever happened, happened.

    Hoooo boy did we enjoy that scroll run!! Whole DC n AD population was chasing us by the time we got to bleakers.

    VI. Ebonheart End Game

    " In the closing stages there was a real possibility of DC being able to overtake the Pact in the last two weeks of the campaign. At one point DC was only approximately 7,000 points behind, and given our recent momentum an amazing comeback was potentially on the cards. Alas, it was not to be. On the weekend of 21 and 22 June EP rallied, and in a tremendous display managed to secure map control and the Scrolls for the Pact. Their extended map control over two to three days blew out their lead to 20,000 points, creating an unassailable lead and securing their victory in this first Wabbajack campaign."

    This part. I can tell you personally that I have gone behind DC's enemy lines and solo flagged Warden and Rayles many many times during these crucial hours of the campaign. There was a time that glade, rayles, and warden all fell in under 10 minutes. (Lost Ni-Mohk too!) There was such a hard front line fight at dragonclaw/aleswell.... thought to myself "i can prolly solo flag these back three keeps...they got nobody lookin"

    They might not known how or why it fell so fast, but DC knew that Ra'Vencio Was Here! :)

    oh many of the silly tags on keeps came from This One (I didnt do the "stop back capping fixate" ones tho, i got accused off that numerous times from my notorious keep tagging habits lol... my personal favorite was Zintair the Laggy Scrub) I try to spread the love around to guildies as we cap keeps, so i give a new keep tag to a new guildie every raid night :wink:

    I can tell you that the score was monitored daily on the EP side for Vokundein. I made sure of that. June 4th was when I started monitoring the score and thats when DC flipped about 4k points in 48 hours!!! couldn't have that. We had 2-3 guys reporting the scores and the points per hour DC needed over EP to win at the rate of 1-2 times a day after that.

    Here's a small exert from our guild's forums. It's us monitoring the current lead:

    6/4/14 @ 8AM


    6/6/14 @ 8 AM


    6/7/14 @ 10 AM


    6/7/14 @ 6PM


    6/8/14 @ 8 AM


    6/8/14 @ 8PM


    6/9/14 @ 7 AM


    6/9/14 @ 8PM


    6/10/14 @ 8AM


    6/10/14 @ 10 AM


    6/10/14 @8:30 PM


    6/11/14 @8:30 AM


    6/11/14 @ 8PM


    6/12/14 @ 9AM


    6/12/14 @ 8PM


    6/13/14 @ Midnight


    6/13/14 @ 11PM


    Nothing against esostats, i just felt i kept better records :disagree:

    We came up with the gg death certificate once the score hit 399 needed to win(EP score - DC Score divided by the hours remaining = Points per hour DC needed over us to win, math was fun in June!):


    This was created in good fun, and as a sign of respect for DC putting up a hell of a fight.(See NA - Wabbajack for the actual post by the Vokundein PVP department leader) Also it was created to show recognition to the EP who fought HARD to keep our lead those last few days! Zenimax won't reward us with cool stuff, so we did it ourselves :P

    Wabbajack 1.0 will live in my heart as one of the most fun PVP experiences ive ever played on an MMO (dating back to UO circa 1997)

    thank you DC for making it such a legit fair fight and the AD for just shitting on everything while DC n EP fought for their lives lol

    and lastly, but especially... Thank you for creating this history of wabbajack post man.
    Edited by mikeymike2785b14_ESO on July 5, 2014 1:03PM
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