Birfreben_Kinghelred wrote: »Weapon damage doesn't influence surprise attacks damage, only spell power and magicka. It also checks against armour, despite it saying its magical damage. is it possible your new gear is giving you worse total magicka? is it possible one of your old weapons had armour/spell penetration? is it possible you had a siphoning/mages guild skill on your bar previously?(giving you + magicka)
Birfreben_Kinghelred wrote: »Concealed weapon/surprise attack is for sure checked against armour. Most siphoning spells check against spell resistance. Not sure on ambush/killers blade, or other shadow spells.
One night I was testing a bug I thought I had found in spell penetration. I used different combinations of white crafted light armour (with rank 1 concentration), medium armour, a two-hand with 6% armour/spell pen, and one without.
The spells I used to test were concealed weapon, crippling grasp, and swallow soul. All tests were on a vr6 nightblade vs vr4 dunerippers in alik'r desert.
Concealed weapon without armour penetration on weapon dealt 327, with armour penetration on weapon dealt 349. It didn't deal additional damage changing form medium to light armour. Crippling grasp and swallow soul both received a damage increase from wearing light armour and using a penetration weapon.
Since the only factor increasing damage of concealed weapon was a weapon with armour penetration. We can assume its checked against armour.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »if you do a test as i did youll note this thread is what will happen to you as a nightblade.
our class simply is weak on both damage output and also survivability compared to sorcerers and dragonights. it's a fact.
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »infact i would even agree that the people commenting on what they think we should do, do not even have a nightblade
27% Melee crit is really low for a melee DW build.
I have 53%:
21% from medium armor passive
10% from the 'twin blade and blunt' passive(two daggers, 5% from each)
6% from 'precise' trait on both daggers(3% per at purple quality)
5% from thief mundus stone
6% from the 'pressure points' passive (two assassination abilities on bar)
5% from the night's silence 5-piece set bonus
It can get even higher when i slot more assassination abilities and when we own some enemy keeps in cyrodiil. I have a screenshot of character screen with 99% melee crit chance (with a potion:))
Birfreben_Kinghelred wrote: ». is it possible your new gear is giving you worse total magicka? is it possible one of your old weapons had armour/spell penetration? is it possible you had a siphoning/mages guild skill on your bar previously?(giving you + magicka)
Hlaren_shortsheath wrote: »infact i would even agree that the people commenting on what they think we should do, do not even have a nightblade
[edit] Hmm not clickable...