I recently started a thread concerning a player 2-shotting other players (through their block) with heavy sword attacks. Several other players who witnessed and were on the receiving end of this very obvious damage exploit also filed reports and screen shots of the cheater in question.
And who should I run into today? I'll let you guess.
It got me thinking. How many other reports of cheating has ZOS ignored?
So digging through my old screen shots I successfully contacted (via whispers throughout the day) every single cheater/exploiter I (and many others) have reported over the past months.
That's right folks! Not a single one was banned for their exploits.
That list includes those who used the 2h damage hacks, the invulnerability hacks, the speed hacks, wall hacks, and perma-invisibility hacks.
Heaven forbid I repost any pics or videos of these cheaters again, and commit what is perhaps the only enforced/bannable offense in this game. The only name I will shame is ZOS, for letting cheaters run free and unpunished.
So leads me to wonder... Does ZOS care about enforcing its own ToS?
Anyone have similar or contradicting experiences?
Edit: Granted some of the older reports could have led to temp bans that are already complete. Therefore, the only ones I can be sure of are the last three over the last week.
Edited by Vis on July 3, 2014 6:48AM v14 Sorc Vae Exillis
v14 DK Costs
v14 NB 'Vis
v14 Temp Fiat Lux