I never really enjoyed DPS, and was always a healer in the other MMO's i've played. I decided to try out tanking in ESO but find it hard since there is no such thing as threat. I am running a dragon knight right know with full heavy armor (I do not plan on going into the other two armor types so no need to wear any to level), and one hand and shield. Any tips would be nice c:
I am also planning on making a second character sometime. I was going to go for an argonian sorcerer with the restoration staff. Any tips on healing?
Hi there! My name is Vaht or as most people call me, pupsy. I am a somewhat casual PvE and casual small group pvp player. Dude, this game is totes fun and I love playing with friends while in a discord call.
I only have a dragon knight left to level and then i'll have one of each class at CP rank.