New update but more bugs???

Ok so i do enjoy the game, yes hopefully it will improve...however today is filled with more bugs then the beta i played. Monsters are not rezzing so i am getting killed by the invisible mob.....then when i die and goto revive my toon falls dead on the ground after i use my soul gem....then while my toon is laying on the ground the mob attacks me again....i have nothing i can do since my toon is laying dead on the i have to use another soul gem to revive...things like this make the game very frustrating..its not a internet connection issue i run over 100meg DL...but it still seems so much like i am paying for a beta....sadly i think this game will not make it...leaving us all waiting for a true Elder scrolls game to come.
IS anyone else running into more bugs and poor game play issues?
  • Mescalamba
    Ah yea.. thats that "lag bug". Supposedly fixed via hotfix now.
    Proud owner of personal vampire and werewolf army (4 werewolves/4 vampires)..

    I'm also using large doses of irony and sarcasm.

    Plus Im mean person, cause I really dont have reason to like you. Or anyone.
  • Elad13
    unless they did it since my post...i actually quit the game when it happened for the 3rd time to post my thoughts....if so that is an amazing hotfix in a matter of minutes.
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