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Guide to PVE in Cyrodiil: getting around, Achievements, dolmens, etc.

This is a general guide to getting the Achievements for Exploration (completing delves/solo dungeons by beating bosses), completing quests and getting around to get Skyshards, Lorebooks, Dolmens and the like.

I'm not actually going to post spoilers which say where these things are, just post the various tips and tricks that you'd never know having adventured outside of Cyrodiil. So, for instance, if you want to find a map of Skyshards or want to use an add-on, or would rather just stumble upon them based on the actual hint in your Journal is immaterial to this guide.

General Travel Advice (how to get around Cyrodiil)

* Getting to Cyrodiil is easy. Just hit your L key to go to the Alliance War screen, click the Campaign tab and choose one. If you want a Campaign that's totally dominated by your Alliance for ease of getting around, check this site:

* The second most important tip is to make sure that in your Settings > Game Settings that you have "see enemy faction" enabled, so that the little badge floating above their heads is visible, which makes nearby players that aren't stealthed stick out like a sore thumb. The enemy is the color that your Alliance is not, so in case you're AD you need to watch out for Red and Blue, but it will be hard to see from as yellow makes you run directly into things in large groups without any sense of caution, which is a known bugs and will eventually be fixed in an upcoming genome patch through natural selection. I kid.

* When traveling around, you can go into Keeps (the big castle icons on the map) and use the Transit Shrines (NOT wayshrines) which have wizards standing around them to teleport around.

* You can go TO anyplace your Alliance currently controls that's connected to the Transit lines which are highlighted. There's lines connecting places on the map that your Alliance currently controls but do not control intervening locales which are not highlighted, and you can't use the transit shrines to get to them, you have to pick the closest accessible place and then hoof it. This will be easy to figure out as clicking on the Alliance-controlled but "unconnected" locales won't let you travel there.

* Unlike how Wayshrines work, when you use a Transit Shrine and you're looking at the map, when you click on a place you just immediately go there. There's no "are you sure" message.

* A side note: To get out of Cyrodiil, go to one of the two places in your Alliances corner of the map via Transit Shrines and then just run over to the Wayshrine and that'll let you get back to the rest of Tamriel. Also, if you get stuck and no other means of egress works you can simply hit L for the Alliance War screen and then choose a different campaign to Guest in, go there, and use the Wayshrine or what have you there. This is not at all obvious!

* If you plan on spending much time in Cyrodiil don't be a cheapskate and buy the 48k gold light horse and start feeding it apples every day. This will save you 10 trillion hours of travel time running around Cyrodiil. Also, spend a little time PvPing and get the Rapid Maneuver skill which makes both running and riding your horse faster. In fact, uniquely so far as I know, hitting the hotkey for this ability while mounted you immediately unmounts you and you then cast the spell, then can hit H to remount and enjoy the speed burst. I do this repeatedly everywhere I go now.

* Some places are meant to have choke points between them, in particular Gates which look like Roman triumphal arches on the map. When near them (especially when anywhere near the Elder Scroll temples which, on the map, look like pavilions) stick to the roads (check the route on your map first) as you will waste an incredible amount of time trying to get over and around impassible walls and mountains otherwise. If near a gate, go through that gate. There's plenty of other places where you can just run/ride straight through, however you may want to keep a bit of an eye out for precipitous drops, as the landscape is much, much more open and "not on rails" (one might even say Elder Scrolls-ish) than other zones, but that also means that at full gallop you might just run off a cliff. This is annoying mostly because that's where dungeons and overland camps full of rather non-dangerous mobs are, but it never pays to take 80% falling damage right as you aggro an entire critter camp.

* Speaking of critters and falling damage, when you die (and you will) dying to the aforementioned causes allows you to resurrect right where you are. Whereas dying to other players for the most part requires you resurrect at an Alliance-controlled locale (highlighted lines, remember) or a Forward Camp (a player-placed PvP item which, fair warning to tourists, is likely near a siege or a big fight. The most important thing to bear in mind is that these things are highly subject to change and a Forward Camp (FC in the parlance, and they look like tent icons on the map) wears out after a certain number of uses, and a Keep or the like can definitely be taken in 8 minutes or less so plan accordingly. The main punishment in Cyrodiil is being forced to run back somewhere, so do not dismiss my notes about horses above.`

* If you're a'scared of PvP battles, what you need to know is that Cyrodiil's population is incredibly sparse and you can easily spend hours without seeing anyone else when you're out looking for PvE goals, as the PvPers are all running from Keep to Keep for the most part.

* That being said, the true terror of Cyrodiil is NPC guards of the enemy Alliances. Stay a decent distance away from enemy Alliance locales on your map. They can spot you while Stealthed, and they will chase you for a decent interval, and they call their friends and their spellcasters hit like howitzers.

* And yet, sometimes you must make it through an enemy Gate. In particular, each Alliance will have a couple skyshards deep behind their Gates even in campaigns where one Alliance dominates as there are some locales that cannot be taken by other Alliances. The main way to get through this is to get as close as you can to the NPC defenders' aggro range (learn this from experience if you must, just run like hell away from them until you know where their aggo boundary is. Then mount up, get on your horse and run through, making sure your horse is at full stamina so you don't immediately get knocked off. Once you get knocked off, run at a full sprint away, using heal abilities or potions and eventually they'll give up. Once they see you you will not be able to use stealth for about 30 seconds after you escape. Don't even bother using invisibility as they will simply laugh and blast you.

Once through, you're not especially more likely to run into enemy PvPers as, just like in the rest of Tamriel, most people teleport everywhere and hang around indoors, not just milling about outside the walls. There is a chance that there'll be an especially patient ganker or two at a Skyshard, but this is actually less likely the more territory the enemy controls.

* Warning: slaughterfish live in some water in Cyrodiil, in particular around the Imperial City in the center of the map. Also, the lake around there has terrain the is freaking annoying to climb back up out of in some places, and some notorious places where jumping around will get you stuck. Just be careful.

* All levels, from 10 to VR 12, are "scaled" to be closer in power to one another in Cyrodiil. This means two things: First, the mobs are not terribly dangerous, despite all ostensibly being VR 5. Secondly, that means that the level differences between players isn't so extreme, but if you're not VR level and you see a VR level enemy, they will in all likelihood make quick work of you. If it's a Sorcerer they will throw a sissy purple crystal at you, you will fall down and never get up (unless you're l33t, in which case they'll ride the lightning to safety and say they killed over tea back home, where as if they win they stand over you in the traditional "my what a lovely tea party" bon voyage of the victor. If it's a Dragonknight they will laugh while you ineffectually attempt to damage them and, after 20 seconds or so, will root you with Talons (double-click 8 times to get out of all 4 spammed) then hit their "I win" button and deploy a PvPride Flag and laugh as you die like the chivalrous knight of yore - try to take it with good grace, as it will not be the last time, unless you catch them IRL at the local RenFest, where you can kick their ass til their Mom intercedes. Nightblades could kill you from stealth before you react, but will really just stay stealthed in fear that you have a DK or Sorc with you and creep away to scan the forum for any news that Shadow has been fixed. Templars are the easiest to disarm - just /w them that you're impressed that they managed to get to VR level as a Sword and Board gimp and that they totally deserve a boost to their powers and they'll follow you around healing you and their vanity pet until the lovely gold of their nimbus attracts one of the aforementioned other classes who will rapidly de-heal you and your new friend.

* Big red circles on the ground are very bad, like a Mr. Yuck sticker, and are meant to notify you to run away run away.

* Pets do not stealth. You can be in stealth and unless someone practically walks on top of you will never see you unless you do something crazy like switch weapons or walk within 200 yards of an enemy Alliance NPC. You are literally invisible when stealthed - but so are they. Magelight can prevent sneak attacks from stealth, but it's also a wonderfully attention-grabbing beacon when you're not in stealth.

* Do NOT ask questions in Zone chat as it is meant solely for LFG and/or making the less-vocal minority of fully-functioning mature human beings experience a deep and abiding shame in their species. Repeat: DO NOT ask questions there, just come here and read this guide if you forget something or PM me. If you post here on the PvP forums you may be sucked into an inescapable morass of a ***-for-tat, sophomoric foofaraw which locks you into an inescapable loop you cannot simply /stuck to escape and worse than any infinite loading screen.

Delves/Solo Dungeons (how to get find Boss mobs for Achievements)

Here's my previous guide to the Imperial Cave Delver Achievement:

My guide to getting the Imperial Cave Delver achievement in Cyrodiil, i.e. finding and beating all the Bosses in the solo dungeons there. Contains tons and tons of Spolers.

* How do you find the dungeons? Oddly enough you need to go enable the "Points of Interest" option on your map while in Cyrodiil and then they'll all appear. They are disabled by default.

Dolmens/Dark Anchors

* You will be delightfully surprised that the easiest Dolmens in the game are those in Cyrodiil. You can easily solo them. I've yet to get ambusehd by enemy Alliance players at one.

* They don't show up on your Map as a Point of Interest, but you can generally see them on the map as circular-shaped things. Realistically, you're likely to eventually stumble upon them due to their habit of having 1000' tall anchors hovering above them that emit loud, attention-catching noises.\

* If you run into Cloud Ruler Temple in the far Northern mountains, it isn't a temple and there's no quest associated with it yet. Also, so far as I have gleaned from many Google searches and asking around in-game, there is currently no way to get in. Just going there turns the "Point of Interest" on your map from black to white, although unlike in other zones there's no achievement for visiting all "striking locales."

Quest Hub Villages (how to put the finishing touches on the Tamriel Hero title)

* There are a bunch of towns on your list of prerequisites for the Imperial (read: Cyrodiil) quest Achievement in your journal. Unlike the PvP objective locales, they do not appear like a normal town on your Map. Nevertheless, unless you simply Google a map of where they are, you're likely to eventually be directed to them by one of many out-of-the-way quest-giver NPCs which ask you to deliver something there scattered all over the place, often repeatedly.

* The first important thing to know about these towns is that sometimes they get allied with an enemy faction due to PvP objectives in the vicinity being taken over. The only danger there really is that the NPC guards which patrol around may notice you. Check them from afar and see whether they say "Pact Guard" or "Dominion Guard" or what have you. Then just learn their patrol pattern and scoot by to talk to the NPCs when they've wandered away. There is also a higher chance of enemy Players being around when they control the quest hub town, so just be cautious. You can always just watch while stealthed for a while and see if anyone's around.

* The next most important detail to know ahead of time is that there are two different types of quests in these hubs: quest-lines and repeatable daily quests. The repeatables are presumably for PvPers who know that the VR++ areas are too dangerous for l33t d00ds and thus all XP must be earned within the confines of Cyrodiil. The quest-lines will not be dailies, but some of them will appear as the ones you're trying to tick off your list for that particular town as listed in your Journal under the Achievements tab. Those are the ones you're after, and the others can be ignored unless you're farming XP, but be careful not to do them repeatedly and waste time if that's not what you're after, as there's so many of these that you might not realize you're doing something you've already done before til you've run miles and miles away... or not even know why they're asking you to do the same thing again, as it's not like the NPCs come straight out and tell you that you're doing a repeatable, daily quest.

* Sometimes these quests send you to a place where there's a Boss intermixed with the trash, so just be careful to notice the ones with the bling all up on their nameplate. This is also true of the occasional, non-storyline Bosses that don't have any particular quest or achievement associated with them in the Overworld, as opposed to within dungeons, for as far as I know all of them have Achievements or quests associated with them there. (I'm not 100% sure about this, for instance the boss Troll in a tiny cave in the north mountains near Cloud Ruler Temple, as I may have just not stumbled on some daily that sends you on a quest there).

This Guide may be edited, updated or added to as others add things I overlooked.

Edited by runagate on July 1, 2014 11:38AM
  • Slurg
    Thanks, this is really helpful! With all the people posting over in general about quitting, it might be a great time for me to finally go pve-ing in Cyrodiil.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • Magdalina
    OMG, you're awesome! Thanks!
    Other people(and lag) scare me, but I do plan to do Cyro PvE for Tamriel Hero and then it's certainly gonna come in handy:) Thank you for taking time to post this.
    Edited by Magdalina on July 3, 2014 7:16AM
  • Whisper292
    This was absolutely brilliant. I didn't even know there were PvE opportunities in Cyrodiil, and this opened up a LOT of new playing for me and answered a whole bunch of questions before I even had to ask them. Thank you!
    Love all, trust few, do wrong to no one. - William Shakespeare
  • DeLindsay
    Freaking great post man.
  • ebondeath
    Thank you for this. I'm about to set foot in Cyrodiil outside the tutorial area for the first time tonight in search of skyshards/dolmens/achievements, so this is super helpful. :cookie:
    Edited by ebondeath on July 3, 2014 6:17PM
    ╔═════════════⌈Alannah Corvaine⌋══════════════╗
    Rise, rise! To freedom, rise! Arise, ye Breton sons and daughters.
    Ride, ride! To freedom, ride! Truth and glory to the brave!
    ╚═════════════⌊VR 12 Breton NB⌉══════════════╝
  • Divinius
    Awesome post! Thanks for the info and advice. :)
  • runagate
    Addendum: you can use /stuck in Cyrodiil now and I knew this but forgot... I just haven't gotten stuck for a long time, not even right inside the mud puddle in that one Keep.
    Whisper292 wrote: »
    I didn't even know there were PvE opportunities in Cyrodiil, and this opened up a LOT of new playing for me and answered a whole bunch of questions before I even had to ask them. Thank you!

    I'm glad ya'll found it helpful and I wish it were a little more clear and succinct.

    I honestly cannot fathom how someone is supposed to learn much of that information. In February on the PTS server I was completely accidentally one of the first vampires (something I don't covet, and I still to this day don't know where I got infected except it's apparently in level 40 zones somewhere) on my VR 1 templar I rolled around Cyrodiil looking for recipes and interesting foods (I had no concept of provisioning ranks, rarity, nor Alliance/zone-specific ingredients), circumnavigating the zone on foot. So I had a lot of quiet time to figure some of this out, and learned more from friends in the interim.

    By no means is this to imply I'm a carebear - when I logged off tonight I was in the top 20 of the leaderboard for my Alliance in my campaign - but I'm friendly, helpful, like giving things away, and am always happy to help elucidate the mysteries of the game to the uninitiated, and sometimes go help brand new players who are strangers under level 15, grouping up with them and fightin Overworld bosses and dolmens and such - barefisted and naked, of course.

    In fact, feel free to /w me in-game @runagate
  • Svann
    I couldnt get through the gate without getting knocked off my horse and killed so what I did was prebuff with a hot and a resist buff and then just run through. Once you get 1 step beyond the gate they stop casting on you.
  • runagate
    I wouldn't really rely on that "one step beyond the gate" impression, not least because, at least in my campaign, AD drops mercenary mages and EP actually has players guarding the gates by the Elder Scrolls.

    Feel free to /w me in-game if you need additional, more specific information but I just hate to post spoilers and such here as there's purists, RPers and the like hereabouts.
  • diltonmarshb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you so much for this. One of the best posts ive read in the forums. Have so far avoided Cyrodiil as love PVE but will give this a go.
  • Cogo
    Thanks for sharing you info so detailed and well written.

    I am starting to wonder if I am the only person on the server who enjoys finding out stuff on my own :-p

    Really cool though. Looks like you didnt just follow a guide, but found several things on your own?
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Sihnfahl
    ebondeath wrote: »
    Thank you for this. I'm about to set foot in Cyrodiil outside the tutorial area for the first time tonight in search of skyshards/dolmens/achievements, so this is super helpful. :cookie:
    GL with four of the skyshards, though; they're conveniently situated behind enemy Scroll gates. So unless your faction is the one that can open those at will and control the area behind to the scroll grab...
  • ebondeath
    Sihnfahl wrote: »
    ebondeath wrote: »
    Thank yoou for this. I'm about to set foot in Cyrodiil outside the tutorial area for the first time tonight in search of skyshards/dolmens/achievements, so this is super helpful. :cookie:
    GL with four of the skyshards, though; they're conveniently situated behind enemy Scroll gates. So unless your faction is the one that can open those at will and control the area behind to the scroll grab...

    I play on a dead campaign and my faction controls literally everything, so getting past the gates is as easy as running through the gate on my horse and making it through with half my health. Ive gotten 2 out of 4 of those skyshards already. :innocent:
    Edited by ebondeath on July 8, 2014 7:57PM
    ╔═════════════⌈Alannah Corvaine⌋══════════════╗
    Rise, rise! To freedom, rise! Arise, ye Breton sons and daughters.
    Ride, ride! To freedom, ride! Truth and glory to the brave!
    ╚═════════════⌊VR 12 Breton NB⌉══════════════╝
  • runagate
    I got all of the achievements long before I wrote this. If there was a guide, I don't see why I'd have written this, so no I didn't follow one. Just trying to make it easier for the carebears after the PvE. Cyrodiil operates on many mechanisms that aren't possible to infer. It makes little sense for someone not interested in PvP to spend enough time in Cyrodiil to learn all of this stuff you'd never guess from looking at the map or just wandering around. It's a big, big place.

    Oddly, most people who I PvP with don't even have all of the skyshards, and are very poor. It's impossible to gather mats, farm for gold, quest or anything like that when involved in the breakneck pace of the AvA wars. When my group stole an Elder Scroll the other day they stopped and did a dolmen as a joke so they could post screenshots. (For context, normally one would run it as fast as possible to one of the places they can be kept so that it's not intercepted by one of the other Alliances' zergs).

    Even in Cyrodiil, non-Nightblades are startlingly unaware of what makes one suddenly visible, however briefly, so think before you heal youself or look at the map out of habit as you can be spotted from a long ways off. If your stealth "eye" opens, even a little, there's a good chance you're in arm's reach of an enemy.

  • flintstone
    I had not done anything in Cyrodiil yet and this is my first MMO ever. I'm a VR10 Dragonknight and have played mostly solo up to this point. I'm in my last PVE zone with my DK........but do still have a VR9 sorcerer (2 zones left for her).

    Someone directed me to your guide after I made a post wondering what I'd do next with my DK and Sorcerer (I don't care to level another....not soon anyway).

    Anyway, after reading your very good guide I did visit Cyrodiil yesterday. I will say that I was still somewhat confused.........but not totally confused.

    I did some wandering around and one dungeon.....joined in a few keep battles, and even got a few kills (I died a lot too!). The important part though is that I had a lot of fun! thank you for that.....and I am going back for more soon!

    I did figure out that my DK isn't going to fare very well in large battles configured as is......already working on that. The battles did bring my video card to it's knee's at times (around 20 fps with a GTX 770). This caused me to panic and die a few times because I'm used to very high frame rates, and only some small amount of lag.

    I was surprised to find that I still had 50 soul gems, and my armor needed no repair.....I had expected a very large cost in this learning experience.

    Getting around isn't as hard as I had first thought it would be once you get the hang of it.

    So thank you for removing some of the fear and confusion I had about this place.

  • Dekkameron
    runagate wrote: »
    If it's a Sorcerer they will throw a sissy purple crystal at you, you will fall down and never get up (unless you're l33t, in which case they'll ride the lightning to safety and say they killed over tea back home, where as if they win they stand over you in the traditional "my what a lovely tea party" bon voyage of the victor. If it's a Dragonknight they will laugh while you ineffectually attempt to damage them and, after 20 seconds or so, will root you with Talons (double-click 8 times to get out of all 4 spammed) then hit their "I win" button and deploy a PvPride Flag and laugh as you die like the chivalrous knight of yore - try to take it with good grace, as it will not be the last time, unless you catch them IRL at the local RenFest, where you can kick their ass til their Mom intercedes. Nightblades could kill you from stealth before you react, but will really just stay stealthed in fear that you have a DK or Sorc with you and creep away to scan the forum for any news that Shadow has been fixed. Templars are the easiest to disarm - just /w them that you're impressed that they managed to get to VR level as a Sword and Board gimp and that they totally deserve a boost to their powers and they'll follow you around healing you and their vanity pet until the lovely gold of their nimbus attracts one of the aforementioned other classes who will rapidly de-heal you and your new friend.

    Hehehehehehe :D
    - Veteran Combat Librarian -
  • runagate
    I'm really glad you're finding it useful, and I'm glad more people are coming out and having fun.

    You're right - you'll die a lot, but rarely expend soulshards or money on repairs!

    And when you get your Alliance War skill level up with Alliance Points I cannot emphasize enough that you need to get Maneuvers. It's amazing.

    Flintstone, you're right about the FPS. I have a nice GTX card, but always run at minimal settings so that fighting is easier. Terrible lag issues for some reason today, though.

    What Campaign did you choose? I really liked your story.
  • Kcttocs
    First, Thanks so much to the OP, this helps a lot!

    So when you die, there is no repair cost and no soul gem is required? What are the penalties for dying?
    runagate wrote: »
    You're right - you'll die a lot, but rarely expend soulshards or money on repairs!

  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Kcttocs wrote: »
    First, Thanks so much to the OP, this helps a lot!

    So when you die, there is no repair cost and no soul gem is required? What are the penalties for dying?
    runagate wrote: »
    You're right - you'll die a lot, but rarely expend soulshards or money on repairs!

    Having to run back. This only happens if you die to players or faction npcs. If you die to a mob you still get gear decay and can use a soulgem to rez. If you die to players you are unable to use that soulgem and must resurrect somewhere along the transitus network.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Animus0724
    Dolmens in cyrodiil don't work btw, last time I did one we were one shotting everything. Also no chest, no achievement for completing them, same goes for the dungeons. The only thing worth doing are the sky shards.
    I take pride in being an incredibly smart dumb ass, or an incredibly dumb smart ass, either way I'm awesome.

    -The Art Of Warfare (T.A.W.)
  • flintstone
    runagate wrote: »
    I'm really glad you're finding it useful, and I'm glad more people are coming out and having fun.

    You're right - you'll die a lot, but rarely expend soulshards or money on repairs!

    And when you get your Alliance War skill level up with Alliance Points I cannot emphasize enough that you need to get Maneuvers. It's amazing.

    Flintstone, you're right about the FPS. I have a nice GTX card, but always run at minimal settings so that fighting is easier. Terrible lag issues for some reason today, though.

    What Campaign did you choose? I really liked your story.

    Hi, I went with wabbajack campaign simply because it looked like it had a fairly even mix of players.

    Went back yesterday for an hour or so but never did find a major battle going killed very quickly around 6 times from stealth players........BAM......DEAD!

    I need to work on my skills a lot......and my sneaking!

    Edited by flintstone on July 14, 2014 11:21PM
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    flintstone wrote: »
    runagate wrote: »
    I'm really glad you're finding it useful, and I'm glad more people are coming out and having fun.

    You're right - you'll die a lot, but rarely expend soulshards or money on repairs!

    And when you get your Alliance War skill level up with Alliance Points I cannot emphasize enough that you need to get Maneuvers. It's amazing.

    Flintstone, you're right about the FPS. I have a nice GTX card, but always run at minimal settings so that fighting is easier. Terrible lag issues for some reason today, though.

    What Campaign did you choose? I really liked your story.

    Hi, I went with wabbajack campaign simply because it looked like it had a fairly even mix of players.

    Went back yesterday for an hour or so but never did find a major battle going killed very quickly around 6 times from stealth players........BAM......DEAD!

    I need to work on my skills a lot......and my sneaking!

    Wabbajack has the biggest pop so you will regularly run into enemies there. It is the best of all the campaigns.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • LonePirate
    While I agree that Rapid Maneuver is a great skill, you actually need to PVP more than just a little to unlock the skill. You need to reach Alliance War/Assault skill level 2 which is obtained only when you hit Alliance War rank 4. The starter quests will gain you a rank but the additional ranks will need to be earned on your own. The additional ranks usually require more time and effort than the same character level, for instance. If you are new to PVP and are struggling to earn the Alliance Points for leveling, let me recommend grabbing a Restoration Staff and healing your allies during battle. Healing others while they are operating siege equipment and battling others will jump start your journey to obtain this skill.
  • Vuron
    LonePirate wrote: »
    While I agree that Rapid Maneuver is a great skill, you actually need to PVP more than just a little to unlock the skill. You need to reach Alliance War/Assault skill level 2 which is obtained only when you hit Alliance War rank 4. The starter quests will gain you a rank but the additional ranks will need to be earned on your own. The additional ranks usually require more time and effort than the same character level, for instance. If you are new to PVP and are struggling to earn the Alliance Points for leveling, let me recommend grabbing a Restoration Staff and healing your allies during battle. Healing others while they are operating siege equipment and battling others will jump start your journey to obtain this skill.

    You can get Rapid as soon as you finish the starter quests. It is one of the first things that I do when I hit level 10.

    I would highly recommend that EVERY person that first gets to Cyrodiil does the introduction quest and doesn't skip it by going directly to the Warlord. Doing the quest will get you 2 skill points, a skyshard, a forward camp, and enough Alliance points to get you a level (and Rapid).

    Edited by Vuron on July 15, 2014 4:34PM
  • HeroOfEvbof
    How did I miss this post? Great stuff. I finished Cyrodiil Champion and Cyrodiil Cave Dweller just around July 1 as well. I'm Covenant and my guild was homed in Bloodthorn which was all blue 90% of the time.

    BTW: For real hilarity, take the 1H/SH ability Defensive Stance. As you run to a gate, the NPC mages start firing at you. This power reflects the attack and stuns the mage that fired. Keep your finger on it cause two or three shots can come right after one another, but reflect-reflect-reflect and sprint and suddenly you are through.

    Sorcs can use Bolt Escape, that is not as hilarious but works no problem.
    apud me omnia fiunt Mathematicè in Natura - Rene Descartes
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Great guide for Cyrodiil, only wish I'd seen it a month earlier when I started playing in Cryodiil. Thanks for pointing out that there are a lot of other things to do in Cyrodiil other than PvPing at keeps and such. It gets really intense when you're clearing a dungeon and you suddenly realize there's an enemy player in there with you. :wink:
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • kimboh
    I've already cleared all of Cyrodil but this is a great guide, very funny. ;)
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  • Kayuon
    Soul Shriven
    runagate wrote: »
    Delves/Solo Dungeons (how to get find Boss mobs for Achievements)

    Here's my previous guide to the Imperial Cave Delver Achievement:

    My guide to getting the Imperial Cave Delver achievement in Cyrodiil, i.e. finding and beating all the Bosses in the solo dungeons there. Contains tons and tons of Spolers.

    ok, your guide xD

  • Pseudolo
    Thank you very much! I'm doing some sparse PvE in Cyrodiil, and I find it difficult. Thanks to your guide I hope I'll be able to complete some difficult achievements when I'm higher in level (doing dungeons full of vet 5 enemies at vet lvl 2 is not easy).
  • dan0311
    As of Nov 7, I spent the last 3 days doing all the quests in Cyrodiil, soloing all the dolmens, and doing all the delves and I came across one...count em...ONE player from a different faction. Someone told me that its because that particular campaign, Azura's Star, is not a big one for battles and such...its mainly for people doing PVE. I jokingly in chat said "Where are the enemies" and someone responded "Thornhill" which I guess is a different campaign or something. At any rate, meeting an enemy while questing is a rare event, so explore away.

    One thing to keep in mind...the delves in Cyrodiil have a different clock system for boss spawns. If there are only one or two bosses in a cave, only one will be up at a time. You kill him and in exactly ten minutes, that boss may respawn again or, if you are lucky, the other boss you still need will respawn. The same boss might respawn two or three times before the one you need. I hear you saying "with 10 minutes between spawns, one small dungeon could theoretically take twenty to forty minutes to clear!" Yep. Be prepared...bring a book or something. I used a 10 minute egg timer and a Pink Floyd biography on the Kindle.
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