Since your patch today (it fixed somewhat the memory leak) the game has been virtually unplayable with out constant errors ranging from not being able to rez at keeps and/or forward camps, lag from movement/skill and them to just not being in the game while in (total lag out but not DQ) the game, to not even being able to log out (go figure??) and not being able to log back in. Last time every thing stopped working (I could run around but no one saw me) I had to FORCE quit, I had to reenter my password three times.
Its time to sit back and FIX THE GAME before doing any more additions to the game.
Us players (you know the ones that PAY TO PLAY) deserve to have a relatively error free game to enjoy,but your patches are not up to par and seem to be creating unintended problems elsewhere.
I can rant some more but does it even catch your attention?
Please fix the game back to the status when you had a pretty good release from BETA. Now it seems like you are way backwards from your initial BETA trial.
Remember who is paying, if you don't you will not have any customers left.