That's the only reason I'm carrying on, also the fact the small amount of gold items sell for makes it easier to decon. than vendor and of course you do need to build up stocks of Tempers which come from them.adamrussell52_ESO wrote: »Possibly being capped in prep for the day they raise the cap?
adamrussell52_ESO wrote: »Possibly being capped in prep for the day they raise the cap?
Correct me if I'm wrong, (No, Really, please do.), but once you reach level 40 in a craft - isn't the only way NOT to reach Lvl 41, Lvl 42, etc, to STOP crafting any more?
NookyZooky wrote: »Once you get one to 40, you will have took(if you have the skill points anyway) all of the skills in the crafting skill tree/line thing. What is the advantage of having a crafting skill at 50? if there is none, are there things being added to crafting that you must be 41+ to get?
Correct me if I'm wrong, (No, Really, please do.), but once you reach level 40 in a craft - isn't the only way NOT to reach Lvl 41, Lvl 42, etc, to STOP crafting any more?
This only applies to Woodwork, Blacksmith and Clothing. The others actually have skills locked until you hit 50.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »This only applies to Woodwork, Blacksmith and Clothing. The others actually have skills locked until you hit 50.
Enchanting also. At 40 the last potency rune is opened.
So no need to "push" it to 50. It will go there as normal when ever it goes.
Regarding Wood, Metal, Tailoring, after my main character went to skill 50, started de constructing the white (no trait) & intricate items on my alt.
That way I have a level 14 alt now, that has 40 on all those 3 crafts and is doing the tampering (improvement) only.
Saved 9 SP of my main character, and 10 from raising the alchemy on the alt also. A whooping 19 points is not that bad to be honest.
This only applies to Woodwork, Blacksmith and Clothing. The others actually have skills locked until you hit 50.
jpsmithub17_ESO1 wrote: »Well, I had the Daedric racial motif and it said I could not read it until Clothing reached level 50. Once my clothing skill did reach 50, I was able to read and learn it. I suspect there are a few not so obvious perks to reaching level 50 I don't know about yet.
first i heard of the motifs being tied to craft level, thanks for the heads up. i guess i better get working
I learned the daedric at clothing of 40:/jpsmithub17_ESO1 wrote: »Well, I had the Daedric racial motif and it said I could not read it until Clothing reached level 50. Once my clothing skill did reach 50, I was able to read and learn it. I suspect there are a few not so obvious perks to reaching level 50 I don't know about yet.
NookyZooky wrote: »I learned the daedric at clothing of 40:/jpsmithub17_ESO1 wrote: »Well, I had the Daedric racial motif and it said I could not read it until Clothing reached level 50. Once my clothing skill did reach 50, I was able to read and learn it. I suspect there are a few not so obvious perks to reaching level 50 I don't know about yet.
NookyZooky wrote: »I learned the daedric at clothing of 40:/jpsmithub17_ESO1 wrote: »Well, I had the Daedric racial motif and it said I could not read it until Clothing reached level 50. Once my clothing skill did reach 50, I was able to read and learn it. I suspect there are a few not so obvious perks to reaching level 50 I don't know about yet.
Actually, rare motifs are tied to your crafting tier, not level. You have to be able to make tier 6, which you can have unlocked by 40. In other words, if you have a lvl 50 crafter with no points assigned, they can't learn it.
brandon.2023b14_ESO wrote: »you have any of them at lvl 40 then you need to spend points to be able to learn daedric.