I like this game, I really do, and I am an DW/Bow Melee DPS NB, so I really like this game.
But I am just wondering,
Are the drops/loots/chests that a player receives in boss fights/treasure chests/ etc programmed based on the players class/build/skills?
It seems for some reason, as a medium armor wearing dual 1h wielding/bow NB that I receive literally tons and tons of Destruction Staffs, Light Armor and Heavy Armor Greens, Blues, and Purples.
In Fact, since beginning my PVE quest chain in Eastmarch, I have not had a single 1h weapon drop, a single medium armor drop (that was a 0 valued find this in a nightstand piece) and I am halfway done the quests. In the level appropriate dungeons, this seems to be no different, I am awarded for my endurance with destro staffs and light armor? Quests, it seems, similarly try to balance their awards, but I have noticed even since Shadowfen, that if the award is not a necklace or ring, it is either a staff, light armor piece, or heavy armor piece ( in Shadowfen i did receive to green daggers) but aside from that, the same non-applicable monotony of things I don't need.
Again, this is not a complaint, but I am wondering if there is something else to this?
Thoughts? Hopes? Dreams?
- N'ihl Darkbringer
- Lvl 36 NB