So... Only One Unanswered Qustion Remains...

...Where is your (dead) body?

In the final quest Mannimarco eluded to (in the choice as to whether to free him) that he "reanimated your dead corpse".

...It would be sure good to resolve the only resolved situation in ESO and be able to "decommission yourself" once and for all. Then alas Rest is Indeed Possible...
Edited by TheGrandAlliance on June 29, 2014 7:57AM
Indeed it is so...
  • Tonturri
    I too am curious about this - who was I in life? How'd I end up dying (specifically)?
  • Anvos
    Fairly sure its left ambiguous so you can do the generic "insert your own backstory here" mmorpgs like to do with your pregame backstory.

    As for how we died I believe the story/opener implies that we got overwhelmed by deadra and were captured. Then a little while later your lead to an altar where you are tied down and sacrificed to Molag Bal. A bit after that your then your body is brought back to become another nameless shriven slaving away in Coldharbor.
    Edited by Anvos on July 27, 2014 12:34AM
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