Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

voice actor repetition!

  • twev
    Lodestar wrote: »
    Back in my day, games only had text...

    Oh god, those text only adventures from the eighties, where there was no graphics, and you had to type "Look North" or the like to even get a description of what was there.

    Course we had it hard. All we had was a blank sheet of paper and you had to guess what was going on and what to do about it. Hard times they were, but we were happier back then.

    A blank sheet of paper? We used to dream of having a blank sheet of paper. In my day, our dad would give us a pickaxe and have us go play down in the mines. That was our Minecraft. And when we got home, he'd kill us and dance about on our graves.

    But you tell kids today about that, and they don't believe you.
    And here I thought it was bad just trying to play a game without a blank sheet of paper while clinging to the windowsills because we had no floors or ceiling.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Jimm_ay
  • Sakiri
    Phantax wrote: »
    Lodestar wrote: »
    Back in my day, games only had text...

    Oh god, those text only adventures from the eighties, where there was no graphics, and you had to type "Look North" or the like to even get a description of what was there.

    Course we had it hard. All we had was a blank sheet of paper and you had to guess what was going on and what to do about it. Hard times they were, but we were happier back then.

    Certainly never heard us QQ'ing about class


    Never played D&D I take it.

    At least the DM could veto OP feats and stuff.
  • Fairydragon3
    I love voice actors. Mark Hammell is the best. Many of those voice actors in ESO are in other MMOs (TOR for example) and Anime. And then there are the usual TES cast of voices, but yeah they vareity was always off, but show me an MMO when they spent a lot of money on the voice acting. ESO is the first I've seen grab actual celebrities
  • Swordguy
    Back in my day, games only had text...

    literally :smile:

    Do you Troll bait?

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  • Reivax
    AngryNord wrote: »
    At least in Skyrim, voices weren't bound to race in the same way as Oblivion, you could have a variety of voices between races... And there seemed to be more unique voice actors for the important characters.

    Agreed, Skyrim was miles better than Oblivion in that regard.
  • Xenite
    Bethesda (and apparently Zenimax) have always had this issue with hiring well known actors to play certain parts. Which blows the voice budget and they end up reusing the same actors for lesser roles.

    Skyrim was just as bad and had the same issue.

    STOP IT!
  • nerevarine1138
    Xenite wrote: »
    Bethesda (and apparently Zenimax) have always had this issue with hiring well known actors to play certain parts. Which blows the voice budget and they end up reusing the same actors for lesser roles.

    Skyrim was just as bad and had the same issue.

    STOP IT!

    1. I think you may not have played Oblivion. If you did, then you're forgetting that Skyrim was worlds better in terms of voice variety.
    2. No matter how much they pay celebrities, it will still cost an arm and a leg to hire enough voice actors to cover every single character in an Elder Scrolls game. Which leads me to my next point...
    3. Good voiceover artists ain't cheap. Studio time ain't cheap. The fact that they got as much variety as they did is pretty mindblowing, considering the sheer scope of the game.
    4. Find better things to whine about. The voice acting is one of the best parts of the storytelling in this game.
  • SantieClaws
    For the next big expansion that requires voice over work they should put a few lines of text here (just enough to not give anything away), ask anyone who wants to here to record them and send the sound file, then pick your free/cheap community voice actors at will. That way you will also get a much greater range of accents than you currently have with mostly US actors doing the voices.
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  • nerevarine1138
    For the next big expansion that requires voice over work they should put a few lines of text here (just enough to not give anything away), ask anyone who wants to here to record them and send the sound file, then pick your free/cheap community voice actors at will. That way you will also get a much greater range of accents than you currently have with mostly US actors doing the voices.

    Contrary to popular belief, acting isn't all that easy. Voice acting really isn't all that easy. Not anyone can do it.

    Speaking from experience, if I put 1,000 people from this forum (assuming they have no training/experience) in front of a microphone, 999 of the samples would be unusable, and the last one would sound amateurish at best.
  • BBSooner
    Shrug, didn't bother me in the TES titles, didn't bother me in eso.
  • thegreenmonkey69b14_ESO
    I kind of dig it. I also get the realities of the situation when it comes to VO for games. It doesn't seem too bad, and I've talked to enough NPCs in game to feel some variety, but it is kind of interesting to get a string of NPCs in a row with the same voice.

    The game does have pretty superb voice acting, I just can't stand the muppet mouth.
  • Gothic
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can only take hearing Jowan's *** voice from dragon age origins so much.

    No wonder a few of the voices sounded so familiar. I think the VA for Fenris in DA2 is in the game as well.

    Most of the voice acting I've encountered sounds great, but it is a bit repetitive with different named NPCs having the same voices.

    Jowans my favorite one.

    They got Minsc/lorewalker cho.

    Gah his name escapes me(I need sleep).

    Go for the eyes, Boo!

    Jim Cummings! He's so awesome. He's also been doing the voice of Winnie the Pooh for quite some time. Even though is voice is very recognizable, he has incredible range and variability. He's about the only VO in the game that is everywhere AND shows at least some modicum of variability.

    And yeah... Jowan is everywhere. He seems to be just about every Breton and Wood Elf VO. That guy has NO variability.

    This game needs more Jennifer Hale. Too bad she's stuck doing Lyris.
    Edited by Gothic on July 8, 2014 4:35PM
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