Hello everyone.
I started a new DK Tank. He is only level 20 currently, so I am nowhere near End Game. Any advice on what lines I should pursue?
Right now I am doing:
1h + Shield
5 Heavy / 2 Light Armor
What abilities should I try to work on, or have on my slot bar for low level dungeons?
Without changing your play style I would suggest the following.
1)Puncture for single target threat (I prefer "pierce armor" morph due to armor cap)
2) Dark Talons for aoe management. (I prefer burning talons morph)
3)Dragon blood for emergency heals (I prefer green dragon blood morph for the stamina gain)
4) Defensive posture (mainly for the passives)
5) Degeneration (mage guild skill entropy. This will heal you and also give you a chance to heal yourself with every attack. Also lowers your spell costs if you have the passive)
Try and keep at least two hits worth of burning talons available for add phases. Your job is to lock the adds down with burning talons so that your nukers can nuke them without being hit by them. You won't be doing aoe threat, just aoe CC which acts very similar to aoe threat. Don't freak out too much if your teammates get hit by something, just do your best to manage. This isn't like other mmos where you can lock everything down with threat.
Taunt when the taunt wears off, otherwise spam light attacks with degeneration on. Don't blow your stamina trying to block everything, just block the important stuff and let degeneration take care of healing your light attacks.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »After couple of posts at the start, I believe we just confused the OP.
One said roll Templar. The other use Volcanic Rune.
Has any of you above played a DK, other than Armitas & utzpretzels?
DK doesn't need Volcanic Rune (which rarely use even myself which is VR9 melee Templar)
Actually doesn't need a single spell from undaunted or Mages. Silver bolts from Fighters only.
Listen to Armitas & utzpretzels.
Open all the 3 DK class lines. Is not that difficult. When you hand over a quest, make sure you have 1 ability per each line on the qbar (qbar 2?). Rotate the abilities to level them also, along with morphs.
Put 1 light (belt), 1 medium (gloves) armour parts along with the other 5 heavy (or what ever you want to wear). So you earn xp with those armour types also. (on my alt I have 2 HA -2 MA -3 LA)
on Qbar 2, put a destro staff ability, a resto staff ability, and equip 2H or 2 swords,
When one levels to 50, switch the item.
That way every time you had over a quest, you will earn experience on Light, Medium & Heavy armour. All 3 DK skill lines. And three different weapon types.
H&S will level by just exploring and killing stuff.
On qbar one consider to have the whip. Is cheap and cheerful and get the Flame Lash for damage & healing. Also experiment with Stone Giant. Great CC, does damage, and ads protection.
While in VR content armour sucks, because the mobs have 95% armour & spell penetration, 1-50 is a great to have. And especially against bosses that can be CC, you can rotate Puncture (with the spell penetration morph), Stone Giant and if needed Flame lash.
You haven't played a Templar in VR content it seems.
And better to nullify the enemy from doing damage, something the DKs are good that, than rely on one trick pony abilities the Templar have to lower the damage, along with many conditions at the end.
And yes my main is a Templar.
Glad I ran into this tread. Been playing with some alts recently and decided to make a DK tank, also.
Going to keep this thread handy.
Thinking of going Dark Elf or Nord (but leaning towards Dark Elf) and going Heavy armor (with light as secondary) 1h/s, and destro staff. Maybe going vampire.
thoughts on that?
Hi I'll add my two cents in.
Situation #1 Large Packs - ranged and melee including healers .
This is probably the hardest to wrap your head around doing at first. It is not unusual to have a pack of 12 with ranged and melee.
For these I equip both volcanic rune and choking talons (15% damage reduction on all mobs)
The benefit is you can open with volcanic rune on one part of the pack . Once it blows apply a second and then talons to grab the melee. That should give enough to allow the dps to burn that mother down .
I use reverberating bash in the 1h line for the stun which is very helpful for healers and casters .
I use igneous shield and do not slot GBD but have it on my bow for a quick switch
And of course the puncture taunt .
I came to this set up after much experimentation but in a large pull two forms of AoE cc one centred on you and the other at range is very useful.
I find eruption the better choice, but either is very good imo.What about Cinderstorm? Just for normal questing I find it increases my survivability dramatically while doing decent damage as well. Also has low cost and long duration.