Music is not unique?

To start off with, I really enjoy the music in ESO. The soundtrack in of itself is good.

However... I realized a problem once I reached VR1... the music is the same. Each zone doesn't have it's own unique music. For example, Stros M'kai music is seemingly the same as Deeshan.

As someone who really enjoys in-game music, this is a huge issue. In most MMO's (and really most games) certain music is tied to certain zones. For example, if you've played WoW on the alliance and I played the Ironforge music, it would instantly bring back tons of memories of the city.

This kind of experience isn't really possible with ESO. In my opinion, it takes away from the uniqueness of zones. Each one should have it's own unique feel and theme in terms of music.

I remember reading an article that the music in ESO is computer generated. Meaning, it weaves together parts of the music together depending on the area you're in. I'm not sure if this is true or not. I just remember arriving in VR1 zones and being disappointing I already heard this music.
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