Armor Bonus Skills

All of the skills that that give bonuses (bonii? :smiley: ) to armor are less useful to roles that already have some armor. Heavy armor reaches softcap extremely quickly, and the skills aren't as beneficial to them. A couple suggestions for some of the armor skills:

1. Immovable: Switch it to a % damage reduction instead of bonus armor -- Also make it require 3 (or more) pieces of heavy to activate -- this will not only make the skill more useful to heavy armor wearers, but it will slow down the unicorn trains in pvp that are wearing dresses and crapping rainbow-colored particle effects, bringing (hopefully) a little more variety to AvA pvp strategies.

2. Draconic armor -- also switch this to a % damage reduction. Would still be useful for light armor wearers but increasing value to heavy armor wearers.

3. Bound armor -- another switch to % damage reduction for same reason as above.

TLDR: Far too easy to reach armor cap and make +armor only useful for the dress wearers. Give them a bit of damage reduction instead of armor bonuses, but make it be effective for everyone who can use the skills.
  • niocwy
    Amor/spell resist soft caps :
    Naked = 20% damage mitigation
    With 5 pieces Light : 30%
    With 5 pieces Medium : 40%
    With 5 piece Heavy : 60%

    And hard cap at 75%

    Robes and Dresses users should be glass cannons. But I guess that's a too simple fix for the issues right now...
    Edited by niocwy on June 26, 2014 11:17PM
    Look at my profile picture. Visualize that muffin...smelling it...taking a bite...
    Are you hungry now ?
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