I tried playing that game last week; everything about it screams quality but for some reason I just didn't like it and couldn't find myself playing it for more than an hour at a time; maybe because I didn't feel engaged and read no quests; just ran from point A to B.
What is it. Cant play videos on my phone.
And I still prefer wow's endgame.
You are even not played it enough but already want to buy lifetime?..A game with ESO graphics and Wildstar endgame? I'll take a lifetime sub, please.
Ok.. so I already know I'm gonna get flamed for using this particular game as an example, BUT... just imagine all the things talked about in this vid BUT WITH ESO THEMED GRAPHICS AND DETAILS !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iphgBVtf2HA
Now that's 'Endgame' ! ! ! (that's what Craglorn should have been)
(yes I know the graphics are shite, but its the mechanics not the aesthetics I'm pointing out here)
ESO isn't going to sear a steak on the grill and finish in the oven. They don't want a standard. They want to be unique, and get you a medium rare steak cooked with a blowtorch.
Kewljag_66_ESO wrote: »I play ESO because i want a PVP seige warfare endgame. i dont see that in WS's cartoon world
dafraorb16_ESO wrote: »The end-game is AvA, stop with this carebear contect like veteran levels and fighting versus AI
Kewljag_66_ESO wrote: »I play ESO because i want a PVP seige warfare endgame. i dont see that in WS's cartoon world
tarindiseb17_ESO wrote: »I imagine that all content in ESO has same difficult as in WildStar.
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »tarindiseb17_ESO wrote: »I imagine that all content in ESO has same difficult as in WildStar.
Im quite sure WS raids are MUCH harder than ESO trials.
dafraorb16_ESO wrote: »The end-game is AvA, stop with this carebear contect like veteran levels and fighting versus AI
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »tarindiseb17_ESO wrote: »I imagine that all content in ESO has same difficult as in WildStar.
Im quite sure WS raids are MUCH harder than ESO trials.
khele23eb17_ESO wrote: »
Im quite sure WS raids are MUCH harder than ESO trials.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »dafraorb16_ESO wrote: »The end-game is AvA, stop with this carebear contect like veteran levels and fighting versus AI
However more carebears around, who will QQ that their toon is too weak in VR content, and going to screw Cyrodiil balance even more.
The_Sadist wrote: »I played GW2, did enough Fractals of the Mists to drive anyone insane. I'm not yet endgame (the joys of rolling 4 classes and taking 2 months to pick a main I suppose) and by the time I do hit endgame there will, presumably, be loads of content.
I don't want to see Fractals in ESO, or Adventure zones. I want to see Daedric invasions, battling Daedric Princes, exploring the Daedric Realms, overcoming powerful enemies holding unique artifacts and simply enjoying my endgame experience. There's so much room for growth in ESO, so much lore to explore.. why limit yourself and your ideas?