My Clanfear works pretty well as a tanky pet, so far up to vet 2 which is where I'm at. Obviously it is not an all powerful 'wow tank forever and never die' pet, but enough to keep initial group agro's off me so I can nuke the hizell out of whatever im going after and kill it before it hits me or kills my lil tanky dino.
The twilight however needs a massive buff to be useful. I dont use her anymore
My Resto staff VR3 has only ever used the clannfear, and that makes a perfectly viable meat shield which is all I ask it to be, I don't consider it for its DPS.KarlosTheGrouch wrote: »they are pretty much useless..... sadly...
Die to quickly and no damage at all
KarlosTheGrouch wrote: »they are pretty much useless..... sadly...
Die to quickly and no damage at all
Before vet content(or even before vet buff which happened when I was entering vet 2 zone), I always used both my pets - very useful. Clannie tanks, Twilight does some dps plus she was the OH *** heal for me. In vet now, unfortunately, Twilight dies from one missed heavy attack, so I find her pretty much useless. Altho I did see a sorc running around with both pets and my, did she kick ass with them.
There're different viable strategies there, see for yourself. Try stuff out. Me, at vet 9 I still have Clannfear on both bars. Free tank who has like twice my health, can easily be shielded and just as easily resummoned. His damage sucks and doesn't seem to scale with level(which it should IMO, his health does, for one), but as a tank I find him priceless in most fights. Plus, I just like him, he's cute:)