Well, aside from battling with all of my adons that are now broken and throwing up tons of errors, I have a real axe to grind with this new patch.
I don't mind that they changed skills, nerfed things, whatever, but, if you are going to change skills, you need to let us respec.
For example, Igneous Shield, I am a tank, and it used to give an increased damage shield. Now, instead, it increases the amount that I heal to my allies by 33%... I don't heal allies, they completely changed the skill on me! I would like to respec out of it, but at 1k per point, it would cost me 151k to respec! Outside of handing 30 dollars to a chineese gold farmer, I have no way to make that cash any time soon.
General MMO etiquette is to offer a respec when you change someone's abilities, I guess I'll go make a ticket, but that will only help me, everyone should one.