So yea 4 runs in, asked friends who did 3 runs. It's a fun dungeon, has some ok mechanics and moderate challenge.
Yet loot? ZERO BoP drops.
Had some of the usuall HORRIBLE vendor trash garbage named items no one would EVER consider equipping.
But thats it.
Even went back and ran some of the old VR dungeons. Zero BoP items. (this part was just bad luck, the old ones are still dropping the same BoP stuff after another run)
So either its some kinda cruel joke, severely bugged loot table, or ZO is just pretty much asking us to quit the game due to lack of anything to do at endgame.
I mean I guess it has a few achievemetns to farm.. woot. (One of which already seems bugged - did the new undaunted crypt of hears achieve as instructed. did not pop).
I mean maybe were just mega unlucky. I dunno. Either way, this games loot design is plain horrible, worst of any mmo i've played in a long time.
Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)