andreas.rudroffb16_ESO wrote: »you understand that you play an MMO
... not a single player game ?
I am not only talking about xp gain and whatnot. I want to experience the story, see and do the quests! This is ridiculous that there are simple open world "collect this, kill that" quests that require grouping. It is also immersion breaking (how can a single crocodile be THAT powerful?). Once again, trials, dungeons, etc - don't care, good that they are for groups, there should be some group content. But not quests.
Craglorn, I am talking about you.
I don't want to faceroll the whole game, but please understand that some of us
1.) prefer playing this as an SPG or
2.) play at unsociable times (5am for me) when you can't easily find a group,or
3.) just***.group.up.
Please stop forcing us playing quests in groups. I do not care about dungeons, trials, whatnot. But quests should always be soloable.
I am fairly competent playing my class now but at lvl 11, I absolutely cannot take down 4 normal craglorn mobs that guard that freaking shard or whatever is needed for the very first quest, not even with two summons and an ultimate. This should not be forced group content.
Would second that request and add my own: Is there a plan to stop forced-soloing?@ZOS_jessicaFolsom and @ZOS_GinaBruno please does anyone know if there is a plan to stop group forcing?
Would second that request and add my own: Is there a plan to stop forced-soloing?@ZOS_jessicaFolsom and @ZOS_GinaBruno please does anyone know if there is a plan to stop group forcing?
Would second that request and add my own: Is there a plan to stop forced-soloing?@ZOS_jessicaFolsom and @ZOS_GinaBruno please does anyone know if there is a plan to stop group forcing?see you found me
Tannakaobi wrote: »I agree, but I think they should add comparable quests for solo and still keep the group content. Give people the choice.
ESO seems to be all about a lack of choice imo, very odd all things considered.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »Tannakaobi wrote: »I agree, but I think they should add comparable quests for solo and still keep the group content. Give people the choice.
ESO seems to be all about a lack of choice imo, very odd all things considered.
This hits the nail.
Hehehe which is really funny , because many came to ESO to run from this.
Class does not equal role ... LIE , if you want to be the best , your class = your role.
You can pick when to play solo or group ... LIE , you will be forced to solo AND group on the main normal PvE path to VR 12.
Craglorn, I am talking about you.
I don't want to faceroll the whole game, but please understand that some of us
1.) prefer playing this as an SPG or
2.) play at unsociable times (5am for me) when you can't easily find a group,or
3.) just***.group.up.
Please stop forcing us playing quests in groups. I do not care about dungeons, trials, whatnot. But quests should always be soloable.
I am fairly competent playing my class now but at lvl 11, I absolutely cannot take down 4 normal craglorn mobs that guard that freaking shard or whatever is needed for the very first quest, not even with two summons and an ultimate. This should not be forced group content.
@Lalai Wanting all content to be soloable is not a realistic expectation in a mmo, even though yes, I'd prefer this to be an SPG. But I am not going to be stupid and ask for that.
However, making a whole area unplayable for solo players is a bit of an issue to me, I must admit. Loving the game and still have stuff to do without Craglorn, but I detest the fast that I will have to wait until VR30 in order to be able to solo it.
psychoman88ub17_ESO wrote: »Craglorn, I am talking about you.
I don't want to faceroll the whole game, but please understand that some of us
1.) prefer playing this as an SPG or
2.) play at unsociable times (5am for me) when you can't easily find a group,or
3.) just***.group.up.
Please stop forcing us playing quests in groups. I do not care about dungeons, trials, whatnot. But quests should always be soloable.
I am fairly competent playing my class now but at lvl 11, I absolutely cannot take down 4 normal craglorn mobs that guard that freaking shard or whatever is needed for the very first quest, not even with two summons and an ultimate. This should not be forced group content.
Then go play a single player game.
ozgod22_eso wrote: »<p>It's an MMO. In an MMO end game content is usually done in groups. Most MMO endgame content can't even be entered unless you are in a group. Just because they made it an adventure zone doesn't mean it's designed to be played solo. </p><p>Personally the only vet content I feel can be comfortably soloed is Cadwells Silver. That's the bone they threw to solo players who want to participate in endgame content.</p><p>Craglorn was designed for groups. It's not a dailies hub. But in an attempt to please everyone Zeni has fallen between two stools with it.<br></p>
psychoman88ub17_ESO wrote: »Craglorn, I am talking about you.
I don't want to faceroll the whole game, but please understand that some of us
1.) prefer playing this as an SPG or
2.) play at unsociable times (5am for me) when you can't easily find a group,or
3.) just***.group.up.
Please stop forcing us playing quests in groups. I do not care about dungeons, trials, whatnot. But quests should always be soloable.
I am fairly competent playing my class now but at lvl 11, I absolutely cannot take down 4 normal craglorn mobs that guard that freaking shard or whatever is needed for the very first quest, not even with two summons and an ultimate. This should not be forced group content.
Then go play a single player game.
ozgod22_eso wrote: »Nox_Aeterna wrote: »Tannakaobi wrote: »I agree, but I think they should add comparable quests for solo and still keep the group content. Give people the choice.
ESO seems to be all about a lack of choice imo, very odd all things considered.
This hits the nail.
Hehehe which is really funny , because many came to ESO to run from this.
Class does not equal role ... LIE , if you want to be the best , your class = your role.
You can pick when to play solo or group ... LIE , you will be forced to solo AND group on the main normal PvE path to VR 12.
People here criticise WoW and Blizzard a lot but the reality is that they have made their end game more accessible to solo players and have given players more choice than ever. They have rare bosses that are taggable by faction and just scale up the more people that tag them so that they can be done by solo players (with difficulty but doable). Their flexible talent selection and glyph system makes respeccing easy. Their much maligned LFR and Flex Raid system has allowed thousands of solo players to see end game content that would otherwise be gated behind the need to be in a 25 man raid group.
This flexibility and breadth of customization and ability to CHOOSE are al things Zeni can learn from. ESO is a great game but too often we feel like we are on rails - forced to group for some content, forced to solo for other content, forced to stick to the same morph you picked at level 15 for ever because of the switching cost, etc. it's ironic given the ES games are renowned for choice.