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Dungeons (4 player) [Problem]


I am pretty sure this wont help at all, the devs prolly have nailed this issue into a stone and wont listen at all. As this is a PvE section issue, i think its best to drop this information here.

As a clarification i do not want quests to be nerfed or changed at all, i just want an alternative levelling possibility for my many alts ( you know, not doing all the same quest again and again and again ... ) (at this moment only Quests is the way to go (levelling)). OR you could abuse elite spots and level up with that, but thats clearly a lot worse solution then making dungeon levelling with a group a possibility...


I stopped playing ESO after i reached Veteran 3 (almost 4).

Reason was simple. I am sick of quests, the repeatative questing is actionless mostly and pointless running around like a chicken.

My issue is this ; I want to run dungeons as healer or tank, but the main reward for it is not there, Experience for my character, its almost ZERO.

So, all the dungeon ques are without healers and tanks mostly. Why ? coz you do not reward people for investing time to dungeon running (best part of the game).

If people have to wait to veteran 10 ++ until they can join dungeon groups (inside 5minutes, instead of 2h wait time) then i think, ESO will die as a game way faster then its destiny was ment to be.

Like i said, i havent played since 1st free month, but i still pay the monthly fee.

If this issue is not solved in the next 3 months, i will end my subscription and forever curse the name Zenimax online. ( and sorry if this is solved by increasing the experience rewards from the group dungeon running ).

IF the experience is not raised on par with questing (soso) with the reason that dungeons will be farmed and abused ? (if you clear a dungeon you clear it, pointless to argue that its abuse) then i say its pointless to not increase the dungeon experience on par with questing as Elite spots across Tamriel have been farmed to vet 10 since game start ( group dungeon running is better option for us gamers, it gives more enjoyment and even the "non abusers"/casual gamers can have a reason to run 4 man dungeons ).

I hope this issue is sent to the right channels. If not, then its Zenimaxs loss to loose its title to the abyss with bad decisions. (prolly too late already).

Thank you. Aaaaand discuss !!! ;)


Bloodlance aka SG4tw
  • ARtChi
    I'm a Dungeon Conquerer for 2 weeks now (means I killed more than a 1000 named in dungeon), I've done beween 50-75 runs in different veteran dungeon and you know what ?
    I still didn't droped any piece of the set I want !!! (worm rainment)

    Yesterday we made a full veteran dungeon run (mean all 6 dungeons in the evening) for success with guildmates, everybody looted one piece of this set but me...

    Loot system in dungeon and trial is a case of force majeure to stop the game for me

  • bloodlanceeb17_ESO
    Yea was thinking about that also, had the same issue in earlier levels, where i wanted a certain epic drop from a dungeon end boss.

    Fortunately, it was traded to me when i asked for it, also i gave a bit of gold for it 1500g (random group)

    I pretty much think that loot drops (if its purely luck based) is a good thing, as it generates demand for certain items.


    Loot drops that are bound to a account or a character is a big nono.

    We should be able to trade 100% of ingame items, Even the items we have used, as long as we fix them to 100% condition before trading.

    Bloodlance aka SG4tw
  • ARtChi
    I'm more for a "token" approach my self.
    I think it's normal that only people who actually achieve the dungeon get the reward from it.
    It would be a lot more fair if we could drop componant you can craft in the piece you want/need instead of random drops.
    to me, it feels like the devs just wanted to lengthened the life of this game artificially. It is totally stupid since they got a great content of non veteran dungeon wich is totally unexploited for HL purposes...
    (just put VR12 mobs in those dungeon and some related rewards would be enough)

    But no... we just do the same 6 (7 now) VR dungeon in a loop... Hoping to find a loot that never drop.
    Edited by ARtChi on June 25, 2014 11:23AM
  • bloodlanceeb17_ESO
    Ahh, well if that is the case then , yes

    Some other method to gather gears is needed.

    Bloodlance aka SG4tw
  • bloodlanceeb17_ESO
    Shame that these topics go unnoticed. . .

    Bloodlance aka SG4tw
  • Sandmanninja
    I don't mind questing (especially in a brand new game) for the first toon, MAYBE for the 2nd toon, but after that - it's boring and repetitive. In WoW, I always heal or tank and I just start queing. I love dungeons. But it's hard as hell to get a LFR group together in ESO. And by the sounds of it, might not even be worth it.

    I mean, I log on and I "chain smoke" dungeons. One after the other after the other. You get xp, loot, etc.

    I know, this isn't WoW, but that's a very fun part of it. I would almost categorise it into it's own 'genre'. PvP, PvE and Dungeons. You have the synergy of the 'holy trinity', group up with like-minded individuals, and profit.
    [Hard Mode Dungeoneers] is recruiting all players of all levels for this new Guild.
    THIS IS A NEW-BUT-GROWING GUILD. We are focused on doing vet pledges, vet dungeons, getting achieves, & doing hard mode bosses.
    Most active GMT+10 (Australia time zone) in the afternoon Mon-Fri and all day Sat/Sun.
    Pst/email for info/invites.
  • Shaun98ca2
    ARtChi wrote: »
    I'm a Dungeon Conquerer for 2 weeks now (means I killed more than a 1000 named in dungeon), I've done beween 50-75 runs in different veteran dungeon and you know what ?
    I still didn't droped any piece of the set I want !!! (worm rainment)

    Yesterday we made a full veteran dungeon run (mean all 6 dungeons in the evening) for success with guildmates, everybody looted one piece of this set but me...

    Loot system in dungeon and trial is a case of force majeure to stop the game for me

    I cant imagine banging my head against a wall for a virtual item. I quit playing rift due to that. I stopped enjoying the game kept playing striving for an item that after a while I realized I don't really care about since I wasn't really having fun anyways.

    At least the combat system here is enjoyable for me. As for running VET dungeons......well im gonna have to pug those and I hear that's a futile endeavor.

    So at least you get to run and complete the content.

    There is so much more to look forward to then grinding for gear to me.

    At least Cyrodiil is fun when its working.
  • Audigy
    I don't mind questing (especially in a brand new game) for the first toon, MAYBE for the 2nd toon, but after that - it's boring and repetitive. In WoW, I always heal or tank and I just start queing. I love dungeons. But it's hard as hell to get a LFR group together in ESO. And by the sounds of it, might not even be worth it.

    I mean, I log on and I "chain smoke" dungeons. One after the other after the other. You get xp, loot, etc.

    I know, this isn't WoW, but that's a very fun part of it. I would almost categorise it into it's own 'genre'. PvP, PvE and Dungeons. You have the synergy of the 'holy trinity', group up with like-minded individuals, and profit.

    You seem to forget however, that many people left WOW as it became a dungeon crawler and nothing else. Many ex players me included enjoy ESO because it gives us an alternative to dungeons.

    By upping dungeon XP and rewards players will once again be forced to run these and we would have the same boring grind like at WOW these days.

    In my opinion a dungeon should be a one time only opportunity, therefore they need to be very hard so that the final reward is worth the time that you spent in there. I wouldn't mind if the first dungeon run grants half a VR, as long it would take several hours like questing does and no better items than questing does.

    But to up the "rewards" would only lead to a lot of anger among those who had chosen ESO because it offers a valid alternative to the dungeon grind of other MMOs.
  • tino.antoninieb17_ESO
    I am old wow guy and there i had like over 100 runs per each relevant dungeon ( probably we talk about 1200 - 1400 dungeons ) . In another words i love dungeons and dont have problem with pugs. Eso has some very beautiful dungeons. Boss mechanics are not challenging but let say ok . Still i haven't done some dungeons in eso coz of one or another reason . i simply havent and i have two chars vet12. Two days in row i was in que for 2-3 hours - didnt get group. Why - i dont know. Mostly because people dont run dungeons frequently and servers are not populated as we think. So obviously there is reason . I guess reward is not sufficient . We cant talk about loot or xp or whatever still we will find - there is problem.
  • bloodlanceeb17_ESO
    ESO offers only one way of levelling and its questing.

    How can that be a good thing ?

    Bloodlance aka SG4tw
  • Axer
    Um I think your a bit confused if you think there no advancement in VR dungeons.

    Thats true for the 1-50 dungeons. They give almost no xp (10-20 per kill).

    But VR Dungeons?
    They give a TON of Veteran points for boss kills.

    Roughly 35-60k per kill. With 6 bosses per dungeon.. It's actaully much faster to run dungeons then to quest at VR, as it should be - if you take a very powerful skilled group of gamers in them.

    So yea not sure what sup, you said your v3, thus you must be running VR dungeons.

    Actaully VR1-3 is pretty slow, as you get a huge penalty for fighting mobs more then 2 VR lvls off from yourself (First VR dungeons are VR5 mobs).

    But your 3 now..

    I got from VR3-6 in about 2 days, as its very fast.. Especially in banished cells. And you can get nice loot while you do it (wormcult/ebon).

    VR6-10 was about 2 days too (1.5 for 7-8 cuz of penalty, then like 3-4 hours 8-10)
    Edited by Axer on July 3, 2014 2:52PM
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • Sandmanninja
    Frankly, I could care less about "massive VP" and rapid advancement. I just like dungeons and wish the queueing system was either more efficient or more frequently used by players. Most players that I see in /zone chat don't even know about the queue system.

    The healing in ESO seems completely different to WoW, as does aggro management.

    I recently joined a guild, specifically looking for guildies to run dungeons with. I have yet to see anyone talking in gchat, let along asking for groups.

    Maybe it's the whole "stam build issue"?
    I dunno. I love eso but wish there were 1 or 2 changes.
    [Hard Mode Dungeoneers] is recruiting all players of all levels for this new Guild.
    THIS IS A NEW-BUT-GROWING GUILD. We are focused on doing vet pledges, vet dungeons, getting achieves, & doing hard mode bosses.
    Most active GMT+10 (Australia time zone) in the afternoon Mon-Fri and all day Sat/Sun.
    Pst/email for info/invites.
  • reggielee
    I agree there should be at least exp given when running duplicate dungeons. As it stands now, you get a good pug and you all stick together that day and run as many dungeons as possible together because you know even if you friend those people or join their guilds that you will probably never run another dungeon again together due to everyone being on diff goals. There is no reason to run them multiple times other than an odd drop and the stress of having new pugs each run leave little enjoyment value to re-running
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
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