I am pretty sure this wont help at all, the devs prolly have nailed this issue into a stone and wont listen at all. As this is a PvE section issue, i think its best to drop this information here.
As a clarification i do not want quests to be nerfed or changed at all, i just want an alternative levelling possibility for my many alts ( you know, not doing all the same quest again and again and again ... ) (at this moment only Quests is the way to go (levelling)). OR you could abuse elite spots and level up with that, but thats clearly a lot worse solution then making dungeon levelling with a group a possibility...
I stopped playing ESO after i reached Veteran 3 (almost 4).
Reason was simple. I am sick of quests, the repeatative questing is actionless mostly and pointless running around like a chicken.
My issue is this ; I want to run dungeons as healer or tank, but the main reward for it is not there, Experience for my character, its almost ZERO.
So, all the dungeon ques are without healers and tanks mostly. Why ? coz you do not reward people for investing time to dungeon running (best part of the game).
If people have to wait to veteran 10 ++ until they can join dungeon groups (inside 5minutes, instead of 2h wait time) then i think, ESO will die as a game way faster then its destiny was ment to be.
Like i said, i havent played since 1st free month, but i still pay the monthly fee.
If this issue is not solved in the next 3 months, i will end my subscription and forever curse the name Zenimax online. ( and sorry if this is solved by increasing the experience rewards from the group dungeon running ).
IF the experience is not raised on par with questing (soso) with the reason that dungeons will be farmed and abused ? (if you clear a dungeon you clear it, pointless to argue that its abuse) then i say its pointless to not increase the dungeon experience on par with questing as Elite spots across Tamriel have been farmed to vet 10 since game start ( group dungeon running is better option for us gamers, it gives more enjoyment and even the "non abusers"/casual gamers can have a reason to run 4 man dungeons ).
I hope this issue is sent to the right channels. If not, then its Zenimaxs loss to loose its title to the abyss with bad decisions. (prolly too late already).
Thank you. Aaaaand discuss !!!
