If and when they do release these other areas, hopefully they release a physical, hard copy DVD for the expansions. If not, judging from today's patch, you are looking at literally a hundred gigs or more of downloads.
There's lots and lots of room. I spend a lot of time trying to "make it off the map" and have succeeded three times, once wedging myself into the area just West of Craglorn right before that patch was released - lots of desert mountains without any spawns, and hopped behind the gate that would otherwise lead to Craglorn but is blocked by a very, very high vertical grassy wall - as well as got miles and miles East of Bal Foyen where there's crazy checkerboards with occasional green stripes running through them, Escher mountains (likely there only to give the proper horizon when looking from far away) and precipitous drops to what would be water but is just that weird checkboard like when you "fall through the world" under Coldharbour (where there is very shallow water for some reason and houses that all akimbo that look like they were dropped from they sky but I disco'd before I could explore.
The thread about getting to the inaccessible city in the SE of AD territory in Cyrodiil has pictures of similar unfinished content.
Would you rather have them develop content at a neck-breaking pace, end up with a rushed buggy mess and release it all in a year?