NadiusMaximus wrote: »Sorry but it costs $2.99 to post on the forums. Please access your account and purchase Posting Privileges
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »I dont know isnt Lotro making money6 now that its gone to f2p? Btw I have a lifetime sub, andthe game isnt toxic at all. Quit railing against reality, this game IS going to go f2p, I doubt they have 100k subs left.
Ragnar_Lodbrok wrote: »I dont know isnt Lotro making money6 now that its gone to f2p? Btw I have a lifetime sub, andthe game isnt toxic at all.
Anyone who has played Lotro in the last 3 years know how toxic the f2p model can truly become.
Yes f2p games are basically free to play, but let's be honest, if the companies behind them wouldn't make money the model would simply not exist.
All f2p games strive to maximize their ARPU which is the average revenue per user. Whether you earn money with a free to play game or not is a simple equotation: If your ARPU is Higher than your CPL you have basically won.
JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »I don't see how anyone can honestly enjoy F2P
i take it you rather not have this game than playing it f2p.
Bryong9ub17_ESO wrote: »
What F2P games have you played?JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »I don't see how anyone can honestly enjoy F2P
Anyone who has played Lotro in the last 3 years know how toxic the f2p model can truly become.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »
Show me another MMORPG that had free added content and bug fixing during it's first three months.
Show me another MMORPG that got better in that small amount of time.
p_tsakirisb16_ESO wrote: »Show me a P2P MMO that has as many bug/balance/function/exploit issues as ESO when released.