So I have been messing around with both classes yesterday.
Using light armor and destruction flame staff as weapon.
Both seemed to abnormaly well compared to the standard idea using bows,swords and axes.
But I can't really decide which one to level.
Everyone says Des DK's are OP, but on lower levels Des NB's seem to be better.
Has anyone experienced both classes on max level using Des + light armor?
Also, it's difficult to choose a race, as far top 3 seem to be Breton,Dunmer and Altmer.
Statistically seen Altmers seem to get more overal dmg and magica bonusses from their racials compared to Breton and Dunmer.
But Dunmer seem to get increased fire dmg which seems handy when deciding to use a flame staf + DK.
And breton has improved spell resistance.
I'm at a lost.
And what would be most favoured anyway, when it comes to pve/pvp grouping? a full OP dps or a High dps with great support?