I decided to post this here since I plan to tie in some crafting improvement ideas into this also. I really dont believe that the economic model that has been setup in ESO is working well or can work long term. Other than a main guild or two many payers seem to be joining trading/merchant guilds as the remainder of their 5 options. and use the guild store as an auction house. The big problem with this is that you can only have a customer base of 500 max. Anyone who took economics in high school or college knows that the last thing you want to do is limit your customer base if you want to be successful, but that is what we are forced to do. Also with the amount of points out there it is easy to have multiple crafting professions maxed out with the only gate being research times. This makes crafting more trivial since you can have pretty much all your crafting needs taken care of by just one or two of your own toons.
The whole system for selling to the outside world doesnt work either since it is currently only in the pvp zone and your guild must own a keep for anyone to buy your stuff. I dont see the plan for selling in pve zones working either, since most people sell more in their trading guilds and I dont see many people donating funds to them so they can bid each week on the open pve spot.
I recommend that ESO puts in an auction house into the game to handle selling of the current ingame items (mats, crafted goods, drops,...). They then implement a new level of crafting. This new level would allow you to specialize in only one area of crafting, so that even though you may have 3 or 4 professions to 50 and have most of your research done you would have to choose one of them to specialize in.
The perk to specializing would be that you can craft things nobody else can. For armor/weapons I would allow players to craft items with 2 traits on their gear, enchanters could make glyphs with either two traits or with a major and minor trait on it. Alchemists and Provisioners could get something similar with food and potions. For Clothing and Blacksmithing I would break it down further so that you would either specialize in weapons or armor (blacksmith); and either light or medium armor (clothing), since both these professions are very broad in what they can make. Also only someone specializing in a field can improve an item from that field. So only someone who has specialized in say weapons (blacksmith) can improve that weapon from white, to green, to blue, to purple, to gold. I would somewhat increase the rate that a hireling supplies legendary and epic reagents for those who specialize to compensate.
There would also be a limitation with specializing. You cant sell these items on the auction house. You can either open a store front (rent a vendor) or broadcast in zone chat. This would allow people who want to make a name for themselves as crafters to do so. The vendor could just be an npc in either a specific zone or located in every major city. Players could interract with the npc and choose the category they were looking for (light armor, heavy armor, woodworking,...) and they would get a list of vendors that have opened shop in that category, they then select the vendor and see what he/she has for sale. The seller has a fee taken out of his gold each week he keeps the shop open, if he closes it the fee ends and would resume if he opened shop again.
Anyway that is my idea to improve crafting and the economy in this game. Any thoughts?