FrauPerchta wrote: »Armor design/variety in ESO is sadly a statement on how lazy and or rushed to publish the Devs were/are. An MMO should have armors so distinct that you can look at someone wearing the armor and know what set they are wearing.
I pity sorcerers for having to cope with their Bound Armor.
The armor has a lot of detail, so it's not that it is lacking in aesthetics, it's just very similar. That being said, I like the medieval tones to it, and would take that rather than over exaggerated armor (like those found in WoW). Helmets I agree with. something needs to be done, they're far too misshapen. I think the armor dyes will help a lot with looks as well.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »I do agree that Deadric Armor should look like it does in the promotional vidoes, that armor looks amazing. However, I do not think most armors look bland. And as an example, I give you my Dark Shaman:
Like or dislike the look, there is certainly nothing bland about it.
I disagree a lot, actually. I really like the different styles and think they really fleshed out the diversity of the races in ESO more than they ever have in any other TES game.
I do agree that it looks a little cheesy being all painted-on, but you have to think about how many people can be crowded together and how incredibly laggy it would be if every single style of every single type of armor had its own unique mesh.
The only armor styles I particularly dislike are the Breton and Orcish ones.
WrathOfRegicide wrote: »Gern_Verkheart wrote: »I do agree that Deadric Armor should look like it does in the promotional vidoes, that armor looks amazing. However, I do not think most armors look bland. And as an example, I give you my Dark Shaman:
Like or dislike the look, there is certainly nothing bland about it.
That armor is a skin tight mesh it has no depth to it. If you compare it to oblivion armors; which this game was being created around the time oblivion was and computers have since evolved in the past 10 years, so you can tell the developers just slacked when creating the armors in this game.
I'm not a big fan of thick edging on armor (e.g. that second image the op posted... it screams "THICK EDGING") but it could be just me being fussy.
hopefully the armor dyes make the situation better but again, I don't really like it that they are tied to the achievements.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »WrathOfRegicide wrote: »Gern_Verkheart wrote: »I do agree that Deadric Armor should look like it does in the promotional vidoes, that armor looks amazing. However, I do not think most armors look bland. And as an example, I give you my Dark Shaman:
Like or dislike the look, there is certainly nothing bland about it.
That armor is a skin tight mesh it has no depth to it. If you compare it to oblivion armors; which this game was being created around the time oblivion was and computers have since evolved in the past 10 years, so you can tell the developers just slacked when creating the armors in this game.
First off, there is a difference between something being bland, and it having no depth. Something can be not bland and still have no depth, similarly, something can have plenty of depth and still be completely bland.
Second, I agree with you when it comes to armors in ESO needing depth, but only chest-pieces and gloves. Head-peices, shoulders, pants, and boots are clearly fine, they have plenty of depth. Chest-pieces and gloves however: a lot of them look like they have been painted on, even the ones in my picture. The fur, metallic emblems, and leather straps, should stick out a bit.
Lastly, to prove my point, I am going to subject you to a the white legs of a pants-less Nord:
I do this not just to show off Gern's pasty legs, but to show how some pants in the game will bunch up at the knees when worn with high boots such as the ones Gern is wearing. Look a the above picture, then look at my previous picture in your quote, surely You can see what I'm talking about. Now that's depth, and uniqueness, especially since not all pants do this, as is proven by these wonderful Altmer pants that Gern is sporting here:
And here with his boots on:
See, no bunchyness at the knees. Because the Altmer pants are made by a skilled Elvish tailor, and hemmed to fit perfectly to ones legs. Perfect for a Thalmor assassin, who can't be encumbered by loose noisy clothing. Whereas the pants Gern is wearing in my original picture are barbaric style, stitched together in some backwoods camp using raw materials from some unskilled brute's latest kill. They are loose and baggy because they are made to fit anyone, cause it's not like the barbarian could measure anything anyways, nor does he particularly care about being stealthy.
Now if only ZOS put that much thought and care into the depth of their chest-pieces and gloves.
But as far as the detail and texture of their armors: I once again submit my photos as proof that they are quite high quality in those areas.
WrathOfRegicide wrote: »GW2 discredits your argument, which this game has a lot of similarities to. I also have never seen a ESO AvA video with at least 200+ people pvping.