Greetings, Travelers!
While I was in a ruin, reading a great story, I was thinking, what if characters had the opportunity to write their own books and place them anywhere in Tamriel, based on where they have explored, and what they have experienced? Such a feature could bring characters together on a higher scale, and it will definitely feel like you are leaving a piece of your signature in the world. All player made books would have to be lore based upon approval (screened for foul language, grammar and over all consistency), and if approved; will be readable for the entire Elder Scrolls Online community. You could share about your guild's beginnings, trials, downfalls, even how your group became; or you could write a journal about your own personal adventures and triumphs, recipes, armor traits, etc. Something like this in the future PVE content would really be a unique trait for MMO gaming; imagine coming across a book that can give you some kind of reward for reading, or even rewarding you with a skill point, or whatever custom enchants that player decided to place within the book. Truly it would be a great opportunity to learn who is out there and who is roleplaying in your community; and we all know that ESO will only grow based on the strength of our community, and our commitment to helping our game succeed with player creativity.
Leave a comment and let us know, if you would appreciate something like this in a future upgrade.
Well, met!
"Train your opponent to make the wrong response." — The Book of Circles, By Loredas Maxims
NA/PC/ Order of the Candle