Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Encase + Morphs


i love the Spell Encase from the Dark Magic but i cant decide, which Morph i should choose. I tested them both in some Dungeons but i need some Experience/Numbers from other Players.

I know the first Morph gives me the regular CC (4.5s) and medium Damage after the Duration ends. I can cast it often and love the CC i can do. With some other AOE Spells like Wall of Elements it works nice against large Groups. With a Healingstaff i can regain some Mana and this works nice too.

The second Morph gives me the regular CC (4.5s) and a Snare with 4s. I tested it and like the description says the Enemys recover their Speed in the Duration of the Snare back. The Snare is fine but it only really helps in the first Seconds.

I know that i can use the Passive who gives me an additional 20% on the Duration from the Darkmagic Spells. My Question is, how high is the Snare-Morph Duration from Encase at Morphlevel 4 without the Passive Bonus. At Morphlevel 1 it is 4 Seconds but how high it is at Morphlevel 4?

And the last Question, is there an CC Imunitytimer that prevents the casting from one CC to often again?

MFG Murmeltier.

Edited by Murmeltier on June 19, 2014 9:40AM
  • chaosme
    I cannot comment on the skill as I do not have a leveled sorcerer but for CC immunity, it only applies to the hard CCs like stun and knockdown. There is no immunity for roots and snares so you can keep rooting them after they recover or break out of it by rolling (only applies to players of course).
  • Murmeltier
    That is cool, so i can use the CC again and again, thank you. Now, i only need the Duration of the Morph with Snare, at Level 4.
    Edited by Murmeltier on June 19, 2014 3:12PM
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