Long story short, my lvl 45 pyromancer is stuck and can't progress any further along in the quest lines. I'm on the "stomping sinmur" quest and have been for about a week and 1/2 now. I believe I've collected all of wuuthrad's shards but that's about as far as I can go. I'm looking for some suggestions on how to keep lvling to my veteran ranks. Is there a way to work around the bugs in the quest? Should I just finish up my lvls in cyrodiil? And if so, any suggestions on how to get the exp to come faster in cyrodiil? Seems like a grind for exp in cyrodiil facing off against V12 players so far. Alternatively, I've also collected all the shards/ lorebooks in the pact areas along w/ all the side quests, I believe. Looking for any kind of help that will allow me to continue working on my main instead of sidelining him for an alt til fixes are made. Any/all help is greatly appreciated.