Lets say I have leveled all my crafting skills to max. It will be much cheaper now for me to switch between crafts, lets say 1.5K as opposed to for instance 15K for 150 skill points.
How are you supposed to know whether the skill point cost of a hireling justifies what the hireling delivers? You need to commit 3 points to it and then you need to pay an astronomical amount of gold if you decide it is not worth it.
The development cost of creating the interface and logic for refunding individual points will push this to the back burner considering the other issues players are having I'm sure.
KamikazeTMX wrote: »i made a little mistake by clicking on a skill i dindt want because after the big patch everything is slow on reaction that i missclickted something.
im like im getting punished to much in this game... i feel it like a big fail!!
KamikazeTMX wrote: »luckly rift doesnt punish that, and atleast you can get gold or plat out of stuff without too much running around... but in eso everything goes slow. i dont mind the lvling slow but getting gold for skill changes is soo irritating me
mr_stealth_b14_ESO wrote: »I hate looking up builds that other people have made or going with meta builds, so this system became very annoying for me.
But with the all or nothing system, resetting my skillpoints would have meant being broke.
I ended up looking up some info/opinions of skills, since the info ingame is rather lacking. I found that some skills I had ignored were actually very good when morphed, and that there were some nice synergies hidden in morphs. What I got out of the researching was a bit more effective without having to pay for a reset, even if it did still need a few more skillpoints/skill leveling. The problem was that what I had pieced together wasn't a playstyle I really wanted, and the fact that the game's mechanics pretty much forced me to look up something instead of experimenting just discouraged me from playing.
In the end, a game that doesn't allow me to experiment and create my own build isn't a game I want to continue playing. The freedom is certainly there, but the cost of using it totally counteracts its viability. I wanted a game to play, not spending hours digging through forum posts and playing with build calculators (that often only show base/unleveled skill stats).
I'm just shy off 20k required for my skills to reset. I've been wanting to respec and try some new builds but the need to spend 20k just to experiment is silly. I don't know why there isn't a way we can play for rather than pay for skill reset. Like as a dungeon or boss loot reward. It could be a once per day/week account bound reward to prevent farming.
There needs to be another option.
its just another bad decision by a company that seems unable to think things thro.
it should be capped at say 10k no more than that.. my next one will be over 25k probably when they next patch hits and they break some thing
The reason for respecing being costly, is so you only do it if you have/want too.
Every skillpoint is valueble and should be considered carefully before applying it. NOT by following some guide, by following what YOU think.
Thats the whole idea about the game btw.
And for people who likes to try different things. You have 8 character slots. They cost you nothing to try a new build with.
mr_stealth_b14_ESO wrote: »
And it is impossible to make an educated decision about skill/morph unlocks without looking up info, especially while still leveling. There is no way to see the morphs of skills that are still locked, which is a very important factor in deciding between morphs of your current skills. I'm not able to build skill synergies when I can't even see a large portion of my potential options.
You are wrong. I am proof myself. I wanted to build a heavy tank. Maybe not the fastest and much magika, but everything in defense, so I would be able to block a big attack from a giant.
Now I learned I can move for it as well.
ALL skills have a description. Numbers are unimportant because they more then likely will be changed, since this is a skill based game. Balancing is a constant, and at one point or another ALL skills will be looked at.
So the number is pointless, but not the effect. And I am sorry if you do not know the morph, but you DO know the skill, and both morphs have something to do with that specific skill.
Also, you do not ONLY get a skill for the morph effect. You get it for the skill.
Some skills I do not morph.....
they should add a few options: Reset a skill line for 500-750 per point, reset a morph for 2500g or all points for 100g per point like it is - and it would be perfectly fine.
they should add a few options: Reset a skill line for 500-750 per point, reset a morph for 2500g or all points for 100g per point like it is - and it would be perfectly fine.
YES, you do need to think about it, imagine what you want or need to use. And you do learn that while you are playing. unless you sit at the same spot, clicking the 2 same attacks over and over for 5 hours....
Why not make all respec free? And every mob drop 1000 gold. 2 motifs and 3 epics that you need?
Oh...no thats WoW.
nokomo109b14_ESO wrote: »
I am interested in your perspective. I don't want this thread to necessarily be focused on lowering the cost - I think that it is more meaningful to discuss the pros and cons of the design as a measure of its effectiveness.
I agree that the choices made should be meaningful in the long-term, and I don't want to see everyone constantly chasing the meta. Cookie cutter builds are boring, and I'm happy to see diversity in ESO. As I said in my first post, I am happy with creating builds that reflect individual characters, even if I find flaws in my builds later.
As you were building your character, did you rely on sources outside of the game, or did you use information from the tooltips? Do you believe that tooltips could be improved in order to better inform players before locking into choices?
As a veteran WoW player, I understand what you mean. Inflation in the game has gotten rather ridiculous. "Epics" don't feel all that epic anymore.
Rome wasnt built in a day, but it was built, and lasted quite long. Thats my plan in building my character. I built it level by level. Skill by skill.
I think skill morphs should be switchable on the fly at no cost once you have bought both with skill points
poodlemasterb16_ESO wrote: »I put maybe 300 hours and 4 chars into Skyrim before I made one I really liked. It's funny but I have ended up taking a similar path in ESO.
Anyway you can't best build your char without a lot of experimenting. I have seven useful ones. The last one I made, my Dunmer Battlemage is almost perfect. This is because I know a lot about the game now. It takes a while to figure it out because it's complex, and understanding the numbers is required. I guess the respec addresses this to some extent, but rolling a char you want from scratch, with knowledge is the best.
yeah...I wasted a ton of gold on skill point resets...don't waste the gold. You get so many skill points in this game, it just ends up no mattering.
I currently have nearly every skill for med armor, NB class, Bow, race skills, woodworking, clothing, enchanting, and provisioning maxed.
Things I did leave out are.
SPs for things in provisioning that deal with drink.
Crafting things that show off where nodes are...highlight them or whatever.
I've also dabbled in guild skills.
Currently sitting at 11 unspent skill points at VR5...and I see that # increasing
they should add a few options: Reset a skill line for 500-750 per point, reset a morph for 2500g or all points for 100g per point like it is - and it would be perfectly fine.
I agree but would go a little different and give two new respec shrines :
- Morph respec : 200g per morph point - resets all your morphs
- Skill Line respec : 200g per skill point - resets one skill line
And the actual one which resets everything, for 100g per SP
they should add a few options: Reset a skill line for 500-750 per point, reset a morph for 2500g or all points for 100g per point like it is - and it would be perfectly fine.
I agree but would go a little different and give two new respec shrines :
- Morph respec : 200g per morph point - resets all your morphs
- Skill Line respec : 200g per skill point - resets one skill line
And the actual one which resets everything, for 100g per SP
Are you terrible at math or something? 200g per morph point (where easily half your skill points go) resetting all the morphs, is a minimal savings at best and the same exact cost at worst.
It's really a shame that this game seems to discourage experimenting with skills because in other games I really liked theorycrafting builds and trying them. In this game I just can't seem to afford that moneywise.
ESO offers the freedom for a vast number of different "builds", a play style/combat system where the "effect" of all character skills have a different "power" depending on the persons play style/personal skill in using their build and skills.
What ESO does NOT offer is the ability to be the best at everything.
Again, you choose what build you are, but you can not be the best at everything.
To be able to do any fair, correct "theorycrafting build" with the correct numbers and suit so many different play styles. Would require almost daily changes and constant feedback from many different builds to the creator of the "theorycrafter" to be of any longer term use for those who wants to build "the best build, with the best numbers".
Trying and experimenting with different skills and builds
The ongoing balancing of all skills, and adding of new skills/effects/gear and other effects like potions, food, resists, enchants and outside effects like mondus stones, temporary buffs from shrines or other effects that is unknown, or coming in the future, creates so much to do, that it offers almost an endless amount of builds and play styles.
ESO offers the player to choose their path, whatever that may be. Stupid to some, Best to other. It is meant to be a never ending world.
It is also meant to discover what is right for you. Maybe on paper, 1 skill looks hot to you, but when you mix is with your game play and the role you want to be, you may find that this powerful skill, was not for you anyway. OR, it was!
The respec option is expensive for the same reason that you should consider carefully what skill to pick, among all.
If you have all the skill points, and could pick all skills to experiment with very easily. You WILL get bored, just as quickly.
ESO is a skill based game for all, with 10 races and 4 classes (Currently) as a base for your "Taste" in what type of character you want to be.
All characters, not restricted by class, race or alliance can pick any of the "General", skills like armor and weapons.
One of ESO main features is that there is no right or wrong build. What is right, is your choice.
Here is where respec comes in, and this is how its meant to be, since Tamriels skills will not add/change once a year with an expansion, but constantly for my reasons above.