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Dragon Night Needs Help retuning skills and such..

Hey All,

I have a level 40 DN that is I want to be for DPS and I use a 2 Handed Weapon.. Now I am trying to fine tune as I been getting heckled for the way I tuned it in the Dungeons..

Now I am looking for a Good Guide or advice on what active skills are best and passive abilities.. I do like Heavy Armor and have that all equipped..

I seen a few guides around the net but they all differ so I am trying to find a Player who will help me Fine tune My Nord DragonNight w/Heavy armor and a 2Handed weapon to be a better DPS Dealer..

Not sure what else would be needed I usally lack the knowledge to get an effective character I thought I done a good job with this as it is my Main guy..

Well I was in a Dungeon and some other player kept saying I am not a DPS because I am playing a DN??

Now I seen they are mainly used for Tanks but I seen them be used as DPS too Not sure what he was going on about but I am here to refine my Character to a Better standard..

I am not going to get to crazy with DPS numbers but I would like to be effective in Dungeons and I hear the Veteran levels can be brutal so I am trying to fine tune..

I seemed to have done fine so far to level 40 but I would like to get a better grasp of the mechanics of the game and all..

I know I probally should be better learned but I been so Busy just playing I have not had much time to read up on all the skills and such.. I did read a few guides but in one they want me to add the active skill Wrecking Blow (Upper Cut Morph) wich is supposed to be in the 2 handed tree but it is not there as are 3 other skills this guide recommended for Active abilities??

I been playing since Feb in the Beta but been here since initial release with my DragonNight..

So if any more skilled players have some advice or a Guide I can check out that is solid in skill and DPS Damage I am all ears.. I know I also read I should experiment a bit but I would at least like a Good starting point..

IF you feel I should start a new character to get better DPS Please I am so far with this main I would rather just tweak him..
  • Thejollygreenone
    wrecking blow is a morph of uppercut

    the guy telling you DKs are tanks only was a moron, DKs are some of the best dps in the game with a staff and some fire damage.

    with that being said, no one does as well while using a 2h, DKs are no exclusion. you said you don't want to be the best, that's a good thing to have going for you when dpsing with a melee weapon.

    as to some actual advice for a build, since i don't actually play DK the only build i know of is the light armor/staff build that uses all fire damage which wouldn't help you much. since no one bothers with builds that arent the most efficient, that means a fine tuned DK 2h dps build isn't common knowledge. sorry mate, you're probably better off using your own intuition.

    don't forget wrecking blow though, it's like the one decent source of damage the 2h tree has (reverse slice which turns in to executioner is decent as well)
  • Obscure
    You want big DPS numbers? Sneak up on it. Charge up your heavy attack. Right before you swing at full power use your Lava Whip. Whatch whatever the *** that once was in front of you get wrecked.

    Adds? Burning Breath to DoT them and cut down their Armor, follow up with Carve to help charge your ultimate, then use Green Dragons Blood to up your regen and heal when you get beat up.

    Secondary set better be resto staff, and no you don't need to use any of the resto staff skills, I just recommend Force Siphon. Use it as a buff bar with Razor Armor, Dragon Fire Scale, Siphon Spirit, Immovable Brute, and Green Dragons Blood. Two-Hander should look something like Flame Lash, Stampede, Carve, Rally, Choking Talons. Also, use Shifting Standard on that resto bar (note the duration refreshes when you move the Standard), and Flawless Dawnbreaker on that Two-Hander bar, and you should have the makings of something decent.

    That said Heavy Armor is pretty under powered so, you may find yourself dipping into medium armor eventually. If you really want to be a heavy hitter that can soak damage like it's no ones business, just pick up a set of light armor, go destro/resto, and you will likely be offended by how awesome you Tank, Spank, and Heal. Mage archetypes dominate the meta game, and literally any thing less is sub optimal. Not that I enjoy that, it actually disgusts me, but hey that's the meta...
  • The_Nephilim
    so you all suggest a Staff for some seriously High DPS?? that is my main goal but maybe I'll try some med armor with a 2H//
  • Sihnfahl
    Unfortunately, due to the stam build vs magicka build imbalance, destro staff reigns king.

    If you're not concerned with Mad Numbers, 2H would be better served with medium armor rather than heavy; you get passive stam regens as well as crit. A DK doesn't have to worry about softcapping via heavy armor - use one of the Armor skills.

    Single mob is a sneak-up and hard hit, followed with whatever your heart's desire to finish things up.

    Multi-mob - sneak up on one and wreck it if you can, then use a mix of abilities to swipe the other mobs down. Carve is pretty good once you get it powered up. And it's a mad Ultimate generator.
  • The_Nephilim
    I found a guide and used most of what I could didn't have Dragon blood available but will in a bit as a level the skill up..

    If this works good I may stick with this build but if not I may try a Staff.. I am going to try a Dungeon later on..

    I found out I need more magika. I will need to get 3900 G to reset my Attributes and apply more magika..
    Edited by The_Nephilim on June 17, 2014 4:17PM
  • The_Nephilim
    well I made some gold and reset my attributes and I am hitting pretty hard now.. I can kill regular same level NPC's in like 3-4 hits now.. But I need a lot of magika as the skills I have use magika weird.. so I balanced Magika 26, Stamina 20 and the rest health seems good for now..

    I still need to try a dungeon for a real test..
  • Sihnfahl
    Any class skill uses magicka. Any weapon skill uses stam.
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