Let's Start Talking about Dark Brotherhood and what it could be.

Soul Shriven
It has been announced that Dark Brotherhood is in the Consideration mode.
What will it be?
What would we like it to be?
I would mainly like it to be Safe houses, where you could get an endless number of additional quests.
These quests could vary in difficulty and Compensation depending on what guild safe house you are applying at, for a job.
Your status and rank in the guild could have some perks.
A Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Thieves Guild could also provide these things if you think about it. With quests crafted to fit those specific guilds.
No reason for this game to come to an end once you kill the big boss, leaving you nothing to do but PvP.
  • Anvos
    I still vote Morag Tong or individual assassin guilds for each alliance.
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