Stratejacket Xbox UI (controller compatibility)

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Soul Shriven
Recently heavily updated, Stratejacket Xbox UI is an addon that changes the user interface to something more practical when utilizing an Xbox 360 or an Xbox One controller. This addon also includes profiles to make the controllers work in-game.

NOTE: You will need the Pinnacle program and the Binder addon to use this! Links to these can be found in the official addon links below.

- Pinnacle Profile complete setup for ease of use
- Optimized UI for controller use
- Menu Navigation
- Rumble feature on Jump, Sprint, and Dodge buttons
- Walk/Run feature on Right Bumper

- Easier Installation (no more Binder or Saved Variables)
- More/better options in the addon menu

- Slight delay between holding Bumpers/Triggers and using Abilities
- When pressing back to enter Map/Journal and pressing back again to exit, controls mess up

You can find the addon here or here or here

I am hoping that this might get featured on some social networks by Zenimax Online, but doubt it will happen! I have had many people tell me that they love this addon because they have back, hand, and/or wrist issues, so I'm glad that I have been able to accommodate them with this! If you have any questions/issues, please post on one of the links above.

Below are several pictures:

In-Game UI

Controller Layout
Edited by Shwntrny_ESO on June 22, 2014 11:12PM
  • Zepheric
    I actually tested out using a controller set up with GamepadTV which is free and basically plug n play however they don't have rumble support which would be so awesome!!
    Sanguine's Tester
  • Shwntrny_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Zepheric wrote: »
    I actually tested out using a controller set up with GamepadTV which is free and basically plug n play however they don't have rumble support which would be so awesome!!
    Yeah, I originally made this for Xpadder (free), but someone suggested Pinnacle. Pinnacle does cost money, but does have a free trial, which some have reported continues even after the trial ends. It also has a few more features that other programs don't have.
  • Shwntrny_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I have seen a few people mention Dracula's setup for Xpadder, but after trying it out, I have realized how abysmal this set up is and the lack of effort put into the controls. No offense to him, but this set up is much more intuitive and easier to setup. Not only that, but Xpadder has some limitations that Pinnacle does not.
    Edited by Shwntrny_ESO on June 22, 2014 11:12PM
  • Yirmeyahu
    Date: March 3, 2015
    Game: The Elder Scrolls Online 1.6.5 (a.k.a. Update 6)
    Problematic Addon: Stratejacket Controller Support Version 4.0
    Game Controller: Xbox One Controller
    Operating System: Windows 8.1

    Support Question: Any idea(s) why my Xbox One controller's left analog stick completely stops working after a few minutes in game? (It seems like it happens most often after leaving the map or using the cursor in menus.) It's almost as if the controller profile is getting stuck in the "menus" config (where the left analog stick is unassigned) no matter what I'm doing, even if I unsheathe a weapon or enter combat.

    I did follow the steps in the readme.rtf file and applied the Pinnacle "fix" from the video. (Thanks for that video, by the way, even though I did have to watch it at 1080p fullscreen and pause often to be able to see what you were doing/clicking.) However, even with taking those steps, I still have this issue.

    At this time Stratejacket 4.0 is "unusable" for me. (Which is a shame because I LOVE how you tried to match what ZOS has put out there as the likely eventual native controller configuration!)

    Rolling back to version 3.0.5 has brought back controller functionality. However, naturally, the game throws a few lua errors and the in-game UI overlay/buttons are not correct. (Abilities layout mostly. Plus, I have an Xbox One "X" button icon right in the middle of my reticle.)

    Current list of activates ESOUI Addons:
    Advanced Filters
    AI Research Grid
    Auto Invite
    Combat Cloud
    Foundry Tactical Combat
    Guild Store Search Extended
    Harvest Map
    Inventory Grid View
    Lootdrop, Continued (All in One)
    No Spin
    Potion Maker Extended
    Public Dungeon Champions
    Research Assistant
    Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts
    Spend Skill Points
    Stratejacket Controller Support
    Wykkyds Suite (ALL)

    Note: I have tried with all "Outdated" addons disabled and with everything enabled. The results were the same. I also have Wykkyds Hud Addon set to NOT re-align any health/stamina/magicka bars etc. All of the above addons played just fine together before the update to ESO 1.6.5 & Stratejacket 4.0. :confused:
    Edited by Yirmeyahu on March 4, 2015 10:03PM
  • ClearArrow

    I have also been using the Stratejecket addon for my game and fine the game almost unplayable without it.

    However, with Update 6 my UI has gone back to that of a PC game (showing E instead of the xbox A button for example) and it say's it is out of date.

    I have only managed to find the 2.7 version, so I was wondering if you could send me a link to the 4.0 version you are using so I can see if I can get it to work?

    Many Thanks

  • Yirmeyahu
    Sure! It's on

    If you get it working properly, let me know. For me, the UI is mostly correct (just the "x" in the middle of the reticle is a bit annoying). It's really the controls themselves that don't work for me in 4.0. I suspect it's a Pinnacle problem, really.

    What I've done, just to get by, is install ONLY the Pinnacle profile from version 3.0.6 and not the in-game UI. Thankfully, I remember that version off by heart and don't really "need" the on-screen buttons.

    With any luck, official controller support will be soon. In the meantime, I can't thank "Strate" enough for his effort.
  • ClearArrow
    I hope that now with the console release someone will bring out a direct controller support to PC, which would be much smoother!

    I have actually since moved on to mouse and keyboard, finding it a lot quicker with reaction times whilst doing such things as Trials and Vet Dungeons.
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