bla bla bla Aka someone necroed a year old thread again, and im laughing

HA! old topic about a farm spot gets necroed! so feel free to discuss the necromacy of threads in this origonally a topic about the crows wood gold farm!

orgional post for clarity -

Topic - Vet 1 Crows Wood, Always full of farmers, this behavior will create another nerf.

people are going to get these zones to the point where no mobs drop anything in addition to the lack of XP....

Every time i enter the crows wood with my Aldmeri characters there are at least 10+ ACTUAL players who are farming just the wolves in the first part of the zone for the Top grain hide scraps to sell..

Right now these dungeons, all of them are great places to get Equipment drops for deconstruction or trait research... and beyond this first VR zones Public Dungeon they are generally underpopulated in comparison..

this gross over farming of one will not have good consequences for all of them...

I imagine its as bad for other factions and while i cannot speak for those, i can say crows Wood is definitively heavily Exploited due to the rate of drop on the one resource and how close to a town it is....

anyways they did nerf it, bla bla bla year later

Mordant61 wrote: »
We are all missing one very big and very important point that the op failed to mention.

Not a single quest in the whole area of crows wood either regular or vr rank has anything and i mean anything to do with the wolves. They are there as a way to get leather and to be a hindrance. they dont give super exp in fact the exp is laughable and they only slow or root you with attacks but you can kill them in like 1 shot (more if vr rank area). So again i state no quest require you to kill wolves in CROWS WOOD SO MOVE ON WITH THE DAMN AREA AND START THE QUEST WHERE IT REALLY STARTS AT THE GIANT BATS.


people fall for it
Sithisvoid wrote: »
Farmers aren't ruining the economy, complainers are.
J2JMC wrote: »
Edit* The one time I ignore the post date :/

its kind of a thing on forums isnt it?
Edited by Hypertionb14_ESO on July 12, 2015 1:55PM
I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Soloeus
    I fear that ZOS finds it easier to just nerf loot than find a more creative way to handle the issue. But, consider this:

    If I need gold and pretty much don't have any, and I can get good pay by farming WW's, then shouldn't I?

    What if the way I want to play the game is collecting large amounts of resources to sell?

    What if I have to compete against everyone else who already did and if I don't I will be left behind and unable to catch up?

    Within; Without.
  • SienneYviete
    Farm some wolves deco the scraps sell the rest wtf is the problem, with the bs price of respeccing and being forced to play a faction I didn't want to play just to advance rank why wouldn't you?
  • DDemon
    It's not the legitimate players that are farming the wolves that will get the drops nerfed, it's people like you that complain about it, that get them nerfed.
  • Ajaxduo
    Just give crafting materials 0 gold value like trait/style stones, problem solved :)
    Edited by Ajaxduo on June 15, 2014 1:53AM
    - - -
    GM of Verum Aeternus, PC EU
    - - -
  • SienneYviete
    Ajaxduo wrote: »
    Just give crafting materials 0 gold value like trait/style stones, problem solved :)

    No just no
  • Soloeus
    Eldhaaril wrote: »
    Ajaxduo wrote: »
    Just give crafting materials 0 gold value like trait/style stones, problem solved :)

    No just no


    Terrible idea.

    Within; Without.
  • Leesha
    ITs not bots for once that are creating a problem... its greedy players exploiting a resource in mass numbers.... and ironically prove how much better a group of players are over a group of bots in doing the same thing over and over again for personal profit...

    Actually, they are technically not creating a problem unless they are blocking quest progress.

    A group of players farming for profit is completely different than gold seller bots farming for profit. One is against the ToS and the other is perfectly acceptable unless they are using one of the many available bot programs.

    Everything we do in the game is for personal profit, one way or another.
  • aipex8_ESO
    I've farmed the wolves there in the 1-50 zone, they respawn super-fast and refining the rough mats gets you a lot of hemming/embroidery in the early game before they become so common. It's an MMO with crafting, legit players should be able to farm materials as long as they're not doing questionable things like relogging over and over.
  • Enkil
    It's not an exploit to farm mobs. Lol... Early MMOs were all about farming with no quests at all.
  • Adramelach
    Actually, often I am pleased to see players essentially wipe the path clear for me so I can progress to the objective unharassed and quickly, when I'm really just there to complete the quest, and fighting mobs along the way doesn't have appeal.

    Especially in Veteran play... where I have noticed the points you get hardly make it worth bothering with them, if you can avoid it.
  • Evergnar
    I'm not into farming but I don't quite see what the problem is to farm in that area. I mean if that's how people want to spend there time & energy have at it. So long as it's not bots doing their work for them. If it were to block progression that would be a different story.
  • Fleymark
    "Greedy" "Farmers" and my personal fav, "exploit."

    Hate to be the one to tell some of you guys this but farming resources, camping drops and grinding mobs for exp are all legitimate play.

    In classic hypocritical fashion, it's even said by the OP that he's, basically, doesn't want others farming dungeons their way because he likes farming it his way. Laff Out Loud

    I've never seen a game so infested with players so preoccupied with how other people play a game like this one. Where "my way is THE way and anything else is just WRONG." Where normal play gets called "exploiting" and all manner of other BS. What is it about ESO that attracts so many of these people?

    How about you play the game the way you want and let others do the same? Good God.

    It, literally, disturbs me and makes me fear for the future of gaming and the world in general that there are this many egotistical sanctimonious busy bodies around that they can actually post this stuff with a straight face and expect anyone to take it seriously.
    Edited by Fleymark on June 15, 2014 3:26AM
  • Singular
    Wow, what a waste of time. Each wolf pelt is worth, what, 5 gold? Your'e going to farm that all day?

    Have fun.
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Enkil
    The only way that this would be a legit complaint or thread is if people are farming quest mobs. If they are and impeding your progress, report it in game just as you would a bot.

    If that's not the case.... Different strokes for different folks... Carry on about your business please....
    Edited by Enkil on June 15, 2014 3:26AM
  • Locke_ESO
    Evergnar wrote: »
    I'm not into farming but I don't quite see what the problem is to farm in that area. I mean if that's how people want to spend there time & energy have at it. So long as it's not bots doing their work for them. If it were to block progression that would be a different story.

    The issue is that it became so profitable at one point that it basically eclipsed all other forms of money making in the game. Before the nerf to the extraction of raw materials people were easily getting 20,000-50,000 gold per hour and potentially even more if they were lucky on the extracting.

    So whats the problem with that? The problem is that it really sucks for people who put the time and effort into learning crafting skills and value some sort of stable in game economy. Of course a lot of people will argue the game is not about being some sort of merchant but many people find that an interesting thing to do in an MMO and when people are earning 5-6 times what you are making using your craft by chain killing wolves or by looting motifs it kind of ruins that part of the game. It also destablises the economy as these people made obscene amounts of gold that they could "burn" on rare items which is why when advanced motifs were rare for example they were selling for 100,000+ gold making them totally unaffordable for regular players. Another factor is that it kills the market for Legendary and Epic Materials reducing the value of upgrade materials obtained by not farming them at the wolves or from hirelings and even post nerf in this cloth armour dominated environment the cloth/leather upgrade materials still sell for less than the heavy armour ones. I remember at one point I was offered 70 dreugh wax for 87.5k (1.25k each).

    Many players wont have a problem with any of those things under the logic that "anyone can do it" but really it's just exploiting a bit of poor design in the game to "feather their own nests" and it's one of many exploits of ESO's game systems that have not done the game any favours in the long run. I strongly doubt the developers expected people to have 200+ legendary upgrade items to sell.

    Another example of this is the Darkshade dungeon farming exploit that left a whole stack of players at VR10 with maxed set gear inside 2 weeks of the game launching. Many of those people got bored because they "beat the game" and didn't subscribe.

    Edit: Ok this post turned out a little longer than I expected it to be but I think the point is made
    Edited by Locke_ESO on June 15, 2014 3:47AM
  • Enkil
    Hmmm... poor design... As if all activity in MMOs has to happen while doing a quest. I have the opposite view. I think they specifically developed public dungeons with large, fast mob spawns so that people would have one (wish it were more) place per zone where they could level in this fashion.

    Not everyone likes doing quest 24/7. A well designed MMO will have a variety of options.. Quests, dungeons, farm spots, etc. How is it poor design to cater to a variety of players?
    Edited by Enkil on June 15, 2014 4:00AM
  • captain_awesome
    Singular wrote: »
    Wow, what a waste of time. Each wolf pelt is worth, what, 5 gold? You're going to farm that all day?

    Have fun.
    It's not fun. But!
    10k gold every 15 minutes is quite good going if you ask me.

    I don't have any problems with "PEOPLE" who are playing their characters farming this, it's part of MMO life. However! I do have a problem with botters. And this game like most others has a bot problem, albeit a small one as the game isn't that populated anymore. Nevertheless! Botting is still an issue!
    Dominion FTW.
  • Fleymark
    Evergnar wrote: »
    I'm not into farming but I don't quite see what the problem is to farm in that area. I mean if that's how people want to spend there time & energy have at it. So long as it's not bots doing their work for them. If it were to block progression that would be a different story.

    The issue is that it became so profitable at one point that it basically eclipsed all other forms of money making in the game. Before the nerf to the extraction of raw materials people were easily getting 20,000-50,000 gold per hour and potentially even more if they were lucky on the extracting.

    So whats the problem with that? The problem is that it really sucks for people who put the time and effort into learning crafting skills and value some sort of stable in game economy. Of course a lot of people will argue the game is not about being some sort of merchant but many people find that an interesting thing to do in an MMO and when people are earning 5-6 times what you are making using your craft by chain killing wolves or by looting motifs it kind of ruins that part of the game. It also destablises the economy as these people made obscene amounts of gold that they could "burn" on rare items which is why when advanced motifs were rare for example they were selling for 100,000+ gold making them totally unaffordable for regular players. Another factor is that it kills the market for Legendary and Epic Materials reducing the value of upgrade materials obtained by not farming them at the wolves or from hirelings and even post nerf in this cloth armour dominated environment the cloth/leather upgrade materials still sell for less than the heavy armour ones. I remember at one point I was offered 70 dreugh wax for 87.5k (1.25k each).

    Many players wont have a problem with any of those things under the logic that "anyone can do it" but really it's just exploiting a bit of poor design in the game to "feather their own nests" and it's one of many exploits of ESO's game systems that have not done the game any favours in the long run. I strongly doubt the developers expected people to have 200+ legendary upgrade items to sell.

    Another example of this is the Darkshade dungeon farming exploit that left a whole stack of players at VR10 with maxed set gear inside 2 weeks of the game launching. Many of those people got bored because they "beat the game" and didn't subscribe.

    Edit: Ok this post turned out a little longer than I expected it to be but I think the point is made

    Translation: "I don't do it so it's WRONG and nobody else should have the option." And, "I'm going to use words like 'exploit' even though none of this is an actual exploit, I just don't like it."

    These people are just astounding, really.

    I repeat again, farming tradeskill materials, gear, and cash loot is entirely legitimate play. As is grinding mobs for experience. If someone isn't physically hindering your progress in the world, isn't cheating by botting or using other 3rd party means for an unintended advantage in game, or isn't exploiting bugs or bugged mechanics, then how they choose to play or what they do IS NO ONE ELSES BUSINESS.
    Edited by Fleymark on June 15, 2014 4:02AM
  • Locke_ESO
    Enkil wrote: »
    The problem is you are considering this poor design... As if all activity in MMOs have to happen whole doing a quest. I have the opposite view. I think they specifically developed public dungeons with large, fast mob spawns so that people would have one (wish it were more) place per zone where they could level on this fashion.

    I entirely agree there should be a variety of ways to make money and experience in the game. What it shouldn't be is so that one money making activity is so entirely dominant over another that it makes any other form of activity feel pointless in comparison and that it economically handicaps people who are not taking part in that activity by driving up prices. Another factor is that the effort involved in crafting should actually offer some sort of reward. Currently anyone can just farm the wolves pretty much on autopilot if they have an AoE spell with pretty much no effort involved. That is the poor design as when there is no risk or effort involved the reward should be low.
  • Fleymark
    I was wondering a while back why wolves always seemed so much easier than other mobs. Concluded it's because there needs to be a reliably accessible and easy source of leather. It's the only crafting material that isn't harvested from groundless an must be killed for.

    While I can't imagine playing one, conceivably, it is theoretically possible to play a solo unfriendly build. These people need access to leather, basically.
  • Locke_ESO
    Fleymark wrote: »
    Translation: "I don't do it so it's WRONG and nobody else should have the option." And, "I'm going to use words like 'exploit' even though none of this is an actual exploit, I just don't like it."

    These people are just astounding, really.

    I repeat again, farming tradeskill materials, gear, and cash loot is entirely legitimate play. As is grinding mobs for experience. If someone isn't physically hindering your progress in the world, isn't cheating by botting or using other 3rd party means for an unintended advantage in game, or isn't exploiting bugs or bugged mechanics, then how they choose to play or what they do IS NO ONE ELSES BUSINESS.

    I dont give a crap what you do personally. Role play being a fairy for all I care (although maybe a grumpy orc may be more your thing). What I do care about is that when people abuse these things that are almost certainly not part of the developers design that they can ruin parts of the game for other people. This is not a single player game and actions do have wider consequences. That said I do mostly blame the developers because their reaction time to people finding weaknesses in their game design has been painfully slow.

  • Fleymark
    Enkil wrote: »
    The problem is you are considering this poor design... As if all activity in MMOs have to happen whole doing a quest. I have the opposite view. I think they specifically developed public dungeons with large, fast mob spawns so that people would have one (wish it were more) place per zone where they could level on this fashion.

    I entirely agree there should be a variety of ways to make money and experience in the game. What it shouldn't be is so that one money making activity is so entirely dominant over another that it makes any other form of activity feel pointless in comparison and that it economically handicaps people who are not taking part in that activity by driving up prices. Another factor is that the effort involved in crafting should actually offer some sort of reward. Currently anyone can just farm the wolves pretty much on autopilot if they have an AoE spell with pretty much no effort involved. That is the poor design as when there is no risk or effort involved the reward should be low.

    Sorry, but you make a big jump in logic there that really makes no sense.

    A naked level 1 (or 3 as it were) can run around collecting every other crafting material with no penalty for death should they get an aggro other than time and being relocated to a wayshrine, but leather, specifically, needs some kind of challenge you get? Especially considering people with the passives can get
    mats including rares and improvements mailed to them twice a day on every toon they have for doing NOTHING once they get it set up.

    Not that it matters anyway, because how are materials are gathered has nothing to do with the value of crafting. A lot of people buy their mats or use what they get from decons anyway. The problem with crafting is that Armor Factor appears to have little value making one specific type preferred by most players because of the passives associated with it and the fact that dropped set armor are superior to the crafted options and the crafted set options lack versatility. Which, they said in another thread, is going to be addressed.

    And I say that and this as an active crafter of 4 trades and will eventually add the other two also. The rewards of being a crafter are inherent just in doing them. It's a fun part of the game and it allows me to do something other than quest grind...And I can make my own gear when and how I want as well as for alts and friends. Sales would just be icing on that but the trading system is so borked in this game I haven't really messed with trying. As a crafter, I would be more concerned about getting them to address making the economy more robust by opening up avenues of commerce (because it's really lousy now) than how people get their mats.

    And anyone who thinks people shouldn't be able to camp or farm gear probably shouldn't even be playing an MMO.
    Edited by Fleymark on June 15, 2014 4:37AM
  • Fleymark
    Fleymark wrote: »
    Translation: "I don't do it so it's WRONG and nobody else should have the option." And, "I'm going to use words like 'exploit' even though none of this is an actual exploit, I just don't like it."

    These people are just astounding, really.

    I repeat again, farming tradeskill materials, gear, and cash loot is entirely legitimate play. As is grinding mobs for experience. If someone isn't physically hindering your progress in the world, isn't cheating by botting or using other 3rd party means for an unintended advantage in game, or isn't exploiting bugs or bugged mechanics, then how they choose to play or what they do IS NO ONE ELSES BUSINESS.

    I dont give a crap what you do personally. Role play being a fairy for all I care (although maybe a grumpy orc may be more your thing). What I do care about is that when people abuse these things that are almost certainly not part of the developers design that they can ruin parts of the game for other people. This is not a single player game and actions do have wider consequences. That said I do mostly blame the developers because their reaction time to people finding weaknesses in their game design has been painfully slow.

    Your problem, and the thing that's so galling about busy bodies like you who think it's their prerogative to dictate how everyone plays the game, is that it seems to not occur to any of you people that your preferences are only that. YOUR preferences. And you are so egotistical as you assume that YOUR preferences are one in the same with the intentions of the game developers. Right here in your own words you just assume that it is just a given that this is a flaw and "fixing" it to your liking is a matter of inevitability. LOL. I mean the raw sanctimony of it is just astounding.

    Pro Tip: Your first indication that the developers intended for something to be a certain way is that they haven't changed it and don't plan on changing it. Not because they are slow. But because they don't see it as a flaw as you do.


    Farming isn't "abuse" or an "exploit" simply because you don't do it or don't like it. It is an integral part of every MMO I've ever played and I've seen no indication that this one is intended to be any different. If you feel that not farming puts you at some kind of disadvantage then you have two options. You can either start farming or accept the results of not farming.

    But this idea that what everyone does in a game has to meet your personal approval or something just must be wrong with the game design is just absurd. And I would love to know why this game is infested with so many people who think this way.

    Some of you guys might want to consider that MMOs aren't the best choice of he's for your particular take on gaming. There will always be people who have an advantage over you in MMOs be it in gear, access to content, etc etc, and yes, financially. Some people have more time to play, are in better guilds, have more friends, are more innovative, or are just better players. That doesn't mean we go on forums and demand nerfs and changes to every little thing that we think puts us at a disadvantage or that we just don't like.

    15 years ago I would have loved to have gone on older MMOs forums and said "I don't have time or just don't want to grind or farm anything change the whole game for me!" You would still hear the laughter now. Not sure what's happened in the years since that now makes this acceptable.

    You may be happier in a single player game where you won't have to be bothered by what other people do.
    Edited by Fleymark on June 15, 2014 5:39AM
  • Rylana
    Let me explain what the OP was trying to say.

    "I wanted to go farm these wolves for the mats so I could sell them for profit, but all these other guys were stealing my kills and it made me mad. So please devs, nerf it out of spite so they can't have it either."
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    I can guarantee this Specific method is NOT intended to be used as it is.

    Its no different than the Anomaly issue was and it will eventually get noticed by the developers.

    Those of you who claim "its ok to farm mobs" tell me this... Why dont you farm the entire zone?

    Because only those wolves give you the massive money you are after.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Rylana
    I can guarantee this Specific method is NOT intended to be used as it is.

    Its no different than the Anomaly issue was and it will eventually get noticed by the developers.

    Those of you who claim "its ok to farm mobs" tell me this... Why dont you farm the entire zone?

    Because only those wolves give you the massive money you are after.


    Also I will answer your stupid questions.

    1. Farming the whole zone yields six tons of crap these people arent after. They want Item X, they are not looking for a truckload of Items A-W, Y, Z or 1-238482238.

    2. Different world mobs drop different types of leather, some do not even drop scraps at all. They want to refine the scraps for the craft XP as well as the tiny chance to refine a purple or gold tannin (which by the way is the only way to get golds besides hirelings)

    3. You can't guarantee anything you say, because you do not control the game. You know nothing of what is intended or what is not intended. The anomalies are still grindable at over 800k VP/hr with 6 item drop chests an hour (you still get about 60 gold a chest even on the cooldown period).

    Is answers question? Good. Now as said before, shut up, stop running your mouth, and go play the game how you want and leave them to play how they do.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_Stephen on July 12, 2015 1:58PM
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    The most obvious farmers are the ones that get pissed off when someone even hints at the thought of their precious easy income getting taken away....
    Rylana wrote: »
    I can guarantee this Specific method is NOT intended to be used as it is.

    Its no different than the Anomaly issue was and it will eventually get noticed by the developers.

    Those of you who claim "its ok to farm mobs" tell me this... Why dont you farm the entire zone?

    Because only those wolves give you the massive money you are after.


    This is proof enough.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_Stephen on July 12, 2015 2:00PM
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Rylana
    The most obvious farmers are the ones that get pissed off when someone even hints at the thought of their precious easy income getting taken away....
    Rylana wrote: »
    I can guarantee this Specific method is NOT intended to be used as it is.

    Its no different than the Anomaly issue was and it will eventually get noticed by the developers.

    Those of you who claim "its ok to farm mobs" tell me this... Why dont you farm the entire zone?

    Because only those wolves give you the massive money you are after.

    Dude. Shut up. Seriously. Go whine somewhere else about how other people play the game.

    This is proof enough.

    I dont farm. Such foolish assumption :)

    Im not here to defend the farmers, I simply could care less about them and their behavior, they dont bother me.

    You, however, bother me, as it is *** like you that get things destroyed in this game so its more difficult for everyone else (even a casual) to get anywhere or get anything.

    Get off your soapbox.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    If the issue at hand truely doesnt affect you, why are you defending it?

    Any change to what they are doing will not affect you after all.'

    All you do by arguing it, is promote it.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Rylana
    If the issue at hand truely doesnt affect you, why are you defending it?

    Any change to what they are doing will not affect you after all.'

    All you do by arguing it, is promote it.

    Because I am sick and tired of whiners coming on to this forum, posting crap threads like this one, and getting things destroyed for others simply because they dont like what other people do.

    I dont like it when people name their characters after famous celebrities or politicians, maybe I should make a thread asking the devs to nerf my guildmate "Lindsey Lohan" so he cant use that name anymore.

    Just because you dont like what someone does, doesnt mean it needs changed. The ONLY exception to this statement is when it actually causes breakage/issue with another system of the game (such as exploited caltrops in PvP causing no siege damage)

    Hence why I believe you are actually wanting these people to leave the spawn because you want to use it for your own greed. Why else would it matter to you?
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
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