In case you might be confused, these are MY top issues....
1. Veteran levels way too early?
What I mean is I am about to reach 50 (way too early IMHO for a MMO) and begin my veteran levels. My concern is whats after this? How will zenimax add levels in the future? Will we continue veteran levels further? What is the point of calling the next 12 levels after 50 by a special name? It seems that they may have inadvertently locked them into not giving out additional levels in the future and we will never really progress beyond 50+12.......
2. Werewolves still suck badly. Nuff said, read other posts for this one, but I am still really pissed that I spend points in it just to have a really badly conceived skill that they butchered.
3. Guild banks...useless junk
Guild banks are a lovely 500 unit bank that only one person gets to use. The GUILDMASTER. This is another ill-conceived system that does not work. Guilds canont let players into the guild bank due to theft, but lack any abilities to limit withdrawls, or have bank tabs. Thus, the GM of the guild is the only person that can actually use it. This just makes guilds only useful for the auction house, and nothing more. Not even a real guild. Whomever thought up the idea of not having a public auction house should be fired.
4. Account banks
again more useless stuff that should have never been conceived. I cant send mail to myself, have a severely limited bank across 7 characters, and am forced to waste valuable character slots to make bank holding characters, let alone using the mail system to store items by bouncing mail back to me. None of this was intended and its a huge flaw.