Getting real tired of seeing pvpers, (pvp player myself) scream nerf this nerf that.
I live with what they are using and adapting to it
What gets nerfed in pvp, effect pve players like hell
now I read up on someone wanting to nerf light armor, restro/destru staff. just because some DK use them.....
if you do that you will kill PVE even more then its already is, nobody is nearly playing +vr5 zones anymore, due to the fact everything is getting nerfed
Now groups will become even harder as well, if you take away some powers, trails, veteran dungeons.
Instead of freaking nerfing the whole thing. Think different
make penalties for classes in pvp, that dont effect overall pve
like if a DK starts to use light armor to buff his dps, well then somehow he should get a reduction like health recovery like vampire
if sorcerers use heavy armor, dont know why they should though, they lose some of the mag pool
something like that.
Skills and powers should be divided between pvp and pve.
nobody is freaking hurting you being OP in pve......
and before all say it I HAVE NEVER USED BE IN PVP
Im a strong believer you stay and fight with your group and dont run away like a headless chicken
Edited by Artemiisia on June 14, 2014 9:37AM