ESO was on sale recently, so I decided to take the plunge and give it a try. I wasn't expecting much since I feel like I've heard nothing but complaining about it since it was launched. I'm a Morrowind #1 superfan, but I didn't care much for Oblivion and thought Skyrim was just okay.
Well, I'm about 30 hours in and much to my surprise I think this is the greatest Elder Scrolls experience since Morrowind. In fact, in many ways I think it represents what the ES series has always wanted to be ever since Daggerfall: a massive, engrossing world that gives you an extraordinary amount of freedom to do and be what you want.
ESO's atmosphere is perfect and the incredible care taken with regards to dialog, voice acting, and lore is truly impressive. Visuals, music, combat... it's all wonderful. For all its greatness Morrowind is pretty dated now, so I find that ESO modernizes things nicely while maintaining the same overall feel.
I'm not a huge MMO guy, but for me ESO works perfectly well as a single player RPG. The occasional interactions with others give the world a nice sense of life and make for fun impromptu group battles. I've only done one dungeon so far and the experience was underwhelming compared to The Secret World and Guild Wars 2, but I'll try a few more before I form a final opinion.
Who knows, I may even subscribe when my 30 days are up!