AlexDougherty wrote: »Youngsters of any species would be nice.
As for the other Khajiit species, well having a few as NPCs could add flavour, especially when a house cat comes up to you and gives you a quest.
isengrimb16_ESO wrote: »My cat gives me quests all the time. Unfortunately, they tend to be either peon or poop quests. What's worse is, they're mandatory dailies.
AlexDougherty wrote: »As for the other Khajiit species, well having a few as NPCs could add flavour, especially when a house cat comes up to you and gives you a quest.
Tannakaobi wrote: »AlexDougherty wrote: »As for the other Khajiit species, well having a few as NPCs could add flavour, especially when a house cat comes up to you and gives you a quest.
That would break the lore though, so would annoy me. That's if you are talking about the Alfiq, born when Masser is waning and Secunda shines.
As appose to some magic domestic house cat that can talk. Which would just be mistaken for a Alfiq by people who don't know anyway...
edit: and they have already hinted that a cat was in fact a Alfiq, can't remember where though, I think an early pact quest. Or maybe a late AD... they all merge after a while.
S1L3NTKiLLaH wrote: »As a imperial edition owner even I support each race having a unique mount. We have a white horse, why not allow each race to buy a specific mount through the stable that is only purchasable with that specific race? These mounts would obviously need to be equal statistically to the imperial horse though... I couldn't imagine starting the game and needing to grind so much money to get a horse.
AlexDougherty wrote: »Tannakaobi wrote: »AlexDougherty wrote: »As for the other Khajiit species, well having a few as NPCs could add flavour, especially when a house cat comes up to you and gives you a quest.
That would break the lore though, so would annoy me. That's if you are talking about the Alfiq, born when Masser is waning and Secunda shines.
As appose to some magic domestic house cat that can talk. Which would just be mistaken for a Alfiq by people who don't know anyway...
edit: and they have already hinted that a cat was in fact a Alfiq, can't remember where though, I think an early pact quest. Or maybe a late AD... they all merge after a while.
I stand corrected, I knew they had humanlike intelligence and had assumed they could speak, just looked them up, and learned they can't. Also saw listed seventeen different types, which would be interesting.
I wouldn't be too bothered if Elsweyr is the next stand alone TES game though.
Edit: Here is a thought, imagine what a Khajiit army would look like...
I'd love an Elsweyr setting - time to move away from humans and snowy nords! Give the cats their time to shine.
isengrimb16_ESO wrote: »
I wouldn't be too bothered if Elsweyr is the next stand alone TES game though.
I'm hoping on that, too. I did hear something about a year ago that said yes, there definitely is going to be a TES VI out of Bethesda (was a link to Reddit or one of those places), but it didn't even hint at the setting.
I don't think Beth ever confirmed that they're going to make TES VI. They don't do that kind of thing. They hinted at it, said they'll keep developing single player games, but not that TES VI is a 100% sure thing. More like 99% because why kill a cash cow? But nothing that people could later throw in their faces if they change their minds and cry "But you promised!"isengrimb16_ESO wrote: »
I wouldn't be too bothered if Elsweyr is the next stand alone TES game though.
I'm hoping on that, too. I did hear something about a year ago that said yes, there definitely is going to be a TES VI out of Bethesda (was a link to Reddit or one of those places), but it didn't even hint at the setting.
Tannakaobi wrote: »Elsweyr, absolutely has to be included in ESO, I would genuinely be outraged if it is not or if it takes so long that I am long gone.