Warm greetings, travelers! This one would like to invite you to take part in
Blue Skooma's weekly Live Auction.
When: 10PM EST
Where: Marbruk Merchant Square
How: If the instance is full and you don't see anyone, please IM
@ice_eye or
@tryynity. They are in charge of porting if the instance fills.
Buying an item: The Auctioneer will ask for starting bid takers. Bidders say a higher number in /say until the bidding dies down and The Auctioneer says "Sold to (name) for (amount)!"
Listing an item: Send an in-game mail to The Auctioneer with the item attached and your starting bid in the content of the message. One item or item set per mail, please! 10% of proceeds go to our guild as prize money for our other events.
Items received for auction after Saturday, 9PM EST will be returned because we need time to enter everything in to a spreadsheet beforehand.
We are a very large and established roleplaying guild that has been running this event every Saturday since launch with great success. See you there!