Hi all!
I'm not very active on these forums, but I'm going to copy and paste a thread that is currently going on at the ESO subreddit. We're fostering some awesome conversation and we welcome anyone to come and partake! Below is a link as well as the initial post.
Thanks so much everyone!
With the release of Craglorn becoming old news, I figured now would be a great time to sit down and collectively ( as a community ), answer any questions that you might have, whether it be about class balance, PvE, PvP, itemization, whatever. While I don't purport to be the master of any of these, I've devoted a ton of time and energy into this game and I think that I may be able to help others by sharing some of my knowledge. In addition, I encourage and request other "endgame" players to please respond with their thoughts as well.
For those who have no idea who we are or what Alacrity is all about, we currently are a hardcore PvP/PvE guild. This is what we've accomplished. We hold the fastest time worldwide for both Hel Ra Citadel and Aetherian Archives, as well as the world fastest time for both of those trials after the recent nerfs. We currently have a roster of over ten former emperors from over four different campaigns and our roster consists of players with the most Alliance Points gained lifetime for the Aldmeri Dominion on the North American Megaserver. We stream regularly and you can google either our Hel Ra or Aetherian Archive videos for specific tips on how to best complete these trials. In addition, please reference my guide on PvP Healing/ Supporting and Tripwyr's guide on Sorcerer DPS.
Again, we're here to answer any and all questions you have about ESO. If you're not a current member and are thinking abhor subscribing, or if you're a vet looking to hone your gear and build, any questions are welcome. Our goal is to continue to morph this subreddit into a font of knowledge and information.
Also, the intention of this post is not to appear Elitist. Just the opposite. It's occurred to me that in the past, some of my posts may have come across this way, and for that I apologize. Our intention is and always has been to spread our understand of ESO to everyone that wants to learn more.
Guild Leader of Alacrity