Since the launch of Craglorn I have noticed what initially appeared to be a delay when using the vampire ability Invigorating Drain. I am not certain if this is the case with the base ability Drain Essence, or with the second morph Midnight Drain.
There seems to be a delay of about 1-2 second after activating the ability. After watching closely I have noticed that the ability does in fact start when activated. The issue is that the animation for the Drain has a 1-2 second delay. This causes a much shorter animation of the actual "Drain" animation or the drain animation will not appear at all. Also, this may be the cause of the character remaining "stuck" in the drain animation with their arm extended.
This issue is creating minor reaction time problems as the ability activation and animation are not in sync. Please address the issue in a future patch.
PC/NA: Pentar Stonedrake (mag sorc) - Undefined (technically my main)
PC/NA: Pentora Stonedrake (stam sorc) - Death Huntress (NB hunter / speed build)