Finished off Wayrest Sewers via Wayshrine from AD. Dungeon was clear (all enemies wiped including final boss) and did not see the two chests that are supposed to be in each instance, so decided to go looking.
The other two group members had logged off, so as not to impede them when they returned later (it's a pain kicking an offline member sometimes, especially if the group leader doesn't register properly), I disbanded the group. (Again, they had already left the dungeon and logged out entirely)
I had intended to go back through and check boxes, heavy sacks, and try to find the chests since all was clear...
Instead, I received an onscreen notice 'Removing from area...' with what appeared to be a load timer. I assumed this was a glitch regarding something I had moused over or something and continued in my search.
Less than a minute later, I got the final ticking noise, timer expired, and out the door I was booted...
I was mildly surprised, and at the same time, understanding.
I realize this was implemented as an anti-*** mechanism for a group member not playing nice (and getting booted) to not be allowed to sabotage the remaining dungeon for the rest of the group, and I commend that function.
I did however take minor issue to my circumstance...the dungeon was clear and group members had departed...I should have had all the time in the world to peruse the contents of the dungeon I had just helped complete. (It's not as if I was deceptive or intended to keep anything from the other members.)
So, just be advised, if you intend to loot after and your group members do not, do not exit the group unless you intend to exit the dungeon!
Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it
wrong...Earn it.IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.