AB NA EP Bot squad

Just a heads up to any honorable EP players on AB NA that group running around all day today is a def botter squad. We need a better way to get rid of obvious cheaters like this. Reporting them does nothing to prevent them from running wild all day. Its really difficult to determine which one is the actual lead bot so you generally just have to report which ever one you can get a name on.

This EP bot squad Ignores anything not directly in front of them, if you kill leader they run around randomly and die or if near a keep they all run to door and stop till the lead gets back. You can pick them off one at a time from back and they NEVER turn on you.
Saving you or sending you since 2001
"The light is strong and man is weak and the world walks in-between" R. Trower
  • Aldjor
    Have seen similar behavior on Bloodthorn on the ep side. I thought they were just blobbing at first, but after a few hours of playing around with them there was definitely something suspicious going on. Guild mates and other players agreed that it looked like several multiboxers or botting groups. I could basically run along side them with no fear of death as long as I stayed away from the front of the pack.
    Edited by Aldjor on June 11, 2014 6:38AM
  • Limitless

    It's called coordination and that guild has it, they don't just group up, get in TS and say "follow me." they actually have set rules for certain scenarios and have plays and strategies for almost every situation.

    Would you really stop a train that's being attacked just because one person fell off? No, you'd keep the train moving.

    I find it hilarious that when people have hardcore coordination that everyone cries "bots."

    Also waiting for the leader is a great strategy considering everyone in group now knows exactly where the leader is, allowing them to follow accordingly on the compass aside from just directions.

    Stay free.

    Ebonheart Pact
    The Red Sun: Templar
    Arch-Mage Zeus: Sorcerer
    Ethereal Flame: Dragonknight
    Silent Edge: NightBlade
    Join my guild; The Red Sun Republic today!
  • Adventchaos
    Soul Shriven
    I love this reoccurring thread.

    When will you learn that just because you are being ignored on the battlefield, doesn't mean we don't see you, we just have more important things to do at the time then to stop for 1 kill.

    The reason your endless reports to GM's that we are "botting" is getting ignored, is because we are actually playing (god forbid) and listening to our GM, following his instructions.

    It's a shame that you post the same thing, we post the same replies and yet day after day you still don't believe a team can actually do this without the aid of a third party program.

    I think we all know its at that point now where you are just...


    Paradox Unchained - Token Australian Member
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
  • Vadimer_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    So funny. TSYM is not bots. If it is bots then I must be one. Hail Coronbale!!!!
  • the.dzeneralb16_ESO
    I was in TYSM for a bit, they are definitely not bots. Theyre just a group that is well organized and coordinated. Next time, get some proof, maybe ask around and see whats up before trying to blame people.
  • SwampRaider
    I wiped Tysm with 20 mages in an outpost once. this was in april. I thought they were bots, because they weren't acting..human. But then they claimed a keep. I knew they were people.
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • Bitz_Maidenhell
    Wow....I think this thread is popping up every few days now. Kinda funny.
    So funny. TSYM is not bots. If it is bots then I must be one. Hail Coronbale!!!!

    Vadi..Coron is great, but where's my battle cry?.....I think you made me jelly :(

    I wiped Tysm with 20 mages in an outpost once. this was in april. I thought they were bots, because they weren't acting..human. But then they claimed a keep. I knew they were people.

    It's TSym, and I can assure you we have never wiped to "20 mages". Nice try though. :)

    Bitz Maidenhell -Officer/Commander
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
  • Tintinabula
    strange how "coordination" makes you die like lemmings running off a cliff.

    Care to explain that?
  • Bitz_Maidenhell
    strange how "coordination" makes you die like lemmings running off a cliff.

    Care to explain that?

    sure, but first i would like to point out the the mass-lemming suicide leap is......an urban legend. It's simply not true.

    If i had a dime for everytime TSym followed our commanders off cliffs to their death in GW2 i would be a very rich person. Sadly, we have yet to be fully wiped by Newton in ESO, but there is still hope.

    Bitz Maidenhell -Officer/Commander
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
  • Sixunder
    I like how TSym hi-jacks this post with no mention of them...AT ALL! GG guys trying to promote yourselves on a forum addressing an actual issue. Not so much botting as Multi-Boxing but meh...
  • Limitless
    Sixunder wrote: »
    I like how TSym hi-jacks this post with no mention of them...AT ALL! GG guys trying to promote yourselves on a forum addressing an actual issue. Not so much botting as Multi-Boxing but meh...

    They've already been accused of this once.
    They guested on AB yesterday (then this thread was made) & they home bloodthorn (Where the other poster mentioned it happened, and where the other thread was about)

    Yeah.. the proof is there.
    Ebonheart Pact
    The Red Sun: Templar
    Arch-Mage Zeus: Sorcerer
    Ethereal Flame: Dragonknight
    Silent Edge: NightBlade
    Join my guild; The Red Sun Republic today!
  • Sixunder
    I don't see any proof. There are no screenshots of their members. I have seen TSym pipe up in more than one of these threads. This is like saying...I was in the neighborhood when the person got killed. I speak up to the news saying I was in the neighborhood, I had a gun...but didn't kill the man!

    Not only suspicious but ridiculous.
  • Tintinabula

    sure, but first i would like to point out the the mass-lemming suicide leap is......an urban legend. It's simply not true.

    If i had a dime for everytime TSym followed our commanders off cliffs to their death in GW2 i would be a very rich person. Sadly, we have yet to be fully wiped by Newton in ESO, but there is still hope.
    Still didn't explain..and also explain how you take credit for botting when noone accused you in this thread of botting.
  • Lowbei
    sounds like free rps bads to me
  • SirAndy
    I'm surprised people are surprised that bots are in Cyrodiil. There is nothing preventing them from being there.

    In fact, one of the early outings was right after launch when we had a no clip botter steal scrolls and park them underground.
    Why? Because he could.
  • Lowbei
    sirandy thats not even close to accurate. someone had an alt dk and chain pulled their group over the relic gate, that is all.

    bads blame hacks when they fail
  • SirAndy
    Lowbei wrote: »
    sirandy thats not even close to accurate. someone had an alt dk and chain pulled their group over the relic gate, that is all.
    Actually, i was there, and yes, it is completely accurate. I'm not talking about the chain pulling, that is old news.

    I have personally witnessed a no clip botter stealing a scroll and when we went to intercept him he went underground and parked his toon there and sent us taunting whispers.
  • Lowbei
    either they are hacking or they are a bot, they cant be both lol

    bads tend to make hackusations when they fail

    sounds like a bug, since i have had guildies occasionally be able to clip thru walls, and they werent hacking.
    Edited by Lowbei on June 11, 2014 9:17PM
  • SirAndy
    Lowbei wrote: »
    either they are hacking or they are a bot, they cant be both lol
    bads tend to make hackusations when they fail
    sounds like a bug, since i have had guildies occasionally be able to clip thru walls, and they werent hacking.
    Yes, i clearly don't know how to play PvP and make baseless accusations to the botter guy 'asdfsdfsdfs' who used a no clip hack to park our scroll underground and then went on to taunt us in chat about how he could do anything he wanted and there was no way for us to stop him. Heck, he even popped up a few times and went back underground again before we could kill him, just to prove his point.

    Clearly a sign of no skill on my end ...

    PS: Oh, and just in case you can read, the incident is actually well documented here on the forums, just do a search for it.
    Edited by SirAndy on June 11, 2014 9:26PM
  • kirnmalidus
    Uh.. yeah, our leaders usually explicitly tell people NOT to go after individuals or small groups we run across as we head towards an objective. Coordinated groups will almost always ignore you and continue on their set course.

    In teamspeak you will hear the leaders saying "leave them for the PUGs."
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • Lowbei
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Yes, i clearly don't know how to play PvP and make baseless accusations to the botter guy 'asdfsdfsdfs' who used a no clip hack to park our scroll underground and then went on to taunt us in chat about how he could do anything he wanted and there was no way for us to stop him. Heck, he even popped up a few times and went back underground again before we could kill him, just to prove his point.

    Clearly a sign of no skill on my end ...

    PS: Oh, and just in case you can read, the incident is actually well documented here on the forums, just do a search for it.

    lol there should be some screenshots then, feel free to provide them.

    till then, l2p and stop the hackusations
  • CosmicChaos
    I've not seen any of this specifically yet, though I did see the group they were talking about on AB. The mob was certainly moving with a purpose when I saw them, but I didn't stick around since I was soloing. If I see anything like some of the stuff people here are claiming I will at least have proof. I keep Shadow Plays passive mode going at all times. Alt-F10 and I got the last 20min of gameplay sitting pretty in a folder. I play for AD, you can find me in-game @Kayaba Akahiko if you are in a campaign and see the mob of players again add me then group me and I will guest in to record them. If someone is exploiting something in the game I am happy to help get the issue resolved.
  • quakedawg_ESO
    Post some cool footage please! Surely these claims are easy to validate. Already been multiple idiots crying foul. Step right up the chair is getting cold!

    Bring on the videos! Oh, don't forget to call out names so the guilds can be identified.
    Edited by quakedawg_ESO on June 12, 2014 3:14AM
    Pro Tip: Form a group of 4 and hang out with the zerg. Now you can claim you only run with 4. I'm l33t

    'I've never died in AvA. Undefeated!'
    'My group of 4 will often take on 100+ with no problem. I have videos to prove it'
    'All the abilities on my keyboard require real skill to spam'
  • GhenghisRex
    Soul Shriven
    You AD are just mad that they come in and break your gate camping. I'm glad those guys showed up on the server, they're making things more interesting and fun for the pact. You AD might like having all the keeps all day, but Auriel's Bow used to be a real campaign, and I'm glad these people can help remind you of that.
    -Leader of The Evil Tyrannos
  • quakedawg_ESO
    Uh.. yeah, our leaders usually explicitly tell people NOT to go after individuals or small groups we run across as we head towards an objective. Coordinated groups will almost always ignore you and continue on their set course.

    In teamspeak you will hear the leaders saying "leave them for the PUGs."

    Sorry, only bots follow such commands. No way a human player would simply ignore an enemy. No way just not possible. Further crazy talk of 'coordination' and this evil 'teamspeak' nonsense and god will strike you where you stand!

    Pro Tip: Form a group of 4 and hang out with the zerg. Now you can claim you only run with 4. I'm l33t

    'I've never died in AvA. Undefeated!'
    'My group of 4 will often take on 100+ with no problem. I have videos to prove it'
    'All the abilities on my keyboard require real skill to spam'
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