So, up until now, I've primarily just been doing quests/ zone quests and campaign. I'm just wrapping up the"Liberate Southern Bangkorai" chain of quests and then I'm off to dungeon. Where do I start to begin increasing my VR? I'd like to be able to get into Craglorn. I noticed there are Standard and Veteran Rank modes I can select from, do I start from standard and work my way up to veteran? Or can I just dive into any Vetaran mode dungeon? Or is there a specific Veteran level dungeon I should start with? e.g. I tried to get into one of the VR dungeons, in Glenmora, when I was 24 and it told me my VR was too low. Was that because I was only level 24? Or should I have started with a specific dungeon?
It's so much more straightforward in games like GW or SWTOR. SWTOR has a group finder search and you can choose your difficulty lol
Edited by Graelock on June 10, 2014 12:59PM