Gern_Verkheart wrote: »You have my sword!
Necronomicon wrote: »Gern_Verkheart wrote: »You have my sword!
And my staff, since all MMO casters are op.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »You have my sword!
and my bow!
Necronomicon wrote: »Gern_Verkheart wrote: »You have my sword!
And my staff, since all MMO casters are op.
Why was there no notification of servers being taken down early? Why is there no ETA of the servers being back up? Why is this behavior being tolerated? Why the **** did the servers get taken down early?
Why was there no notification of servers being taken down early? Why is there no ETA of the servers being back up? Why is this behavior being tolerated? Why the **** did the servers get taken down early?
Yes that game that came out in 1872, that still haunts the MMO industry to this day and forever ruined the genre by instilling that it was the model for an MMO to succeed.
Why was there no notification of servers being taken down early? Why is there no ETA of the servers being back up? Why is this behavior being tolerated? Why the **** did the servers get taken down early?
This is unrelated to this thread. Please take that somewhere else.
We have more important things to worry about than your precious servers.
for I am the Prophet.
I implore you, to rally behind ESO, to not give up, and I beseech Zenimax to address these issues as quickly as possible, for the hour grows late, and there is more at stake here than you know. May Akatosh have mercy on our souls...
Nazon_Katts wrote: »Ah, nothing to worry here. Wether ESO dominates, goes the FTP route or away, the industry won't care. Rather have your fingers crossed for all the Indy titles, as that's how innovation enters the mainstream, though often in perverted ways, mind you.
daneyulebub17_ESO wrote: »Nazon_Katts wrote: »Ah, nothing to worry here. Wether ESO dominates, goes the FTP route or away, the industry won't care. Rather have your fingers crossed for all the Indy titles, as that's how innovation enters the mainstream, though often in perverted ways, mind you.
Disagree. Mounting an Indy MMO is tough to say the least. And the industry WILL care how a major MMO that costs lots to make, has been hotly anticipated for years, and does a substantial number of non-standard things, fares. I think they will care a great deal, in fact.
I have no problem with WoW clones, as long as they are full featured, fleshed out games. What better system to clone? It has something for every player from the casual to the powergamer. Considering that it "cloned" EQ and added upon it countless features and has players that have been in their game for 9 years I would say it is probably the industry leader. I feel like any game that doesn't include the core of its features doesn't live up to standards. Some MMOs try to "not be like wow". That's sort of like trying to put square wheels on a car to "not be like Ford".
Rift is a clone, and a decent game, but it didn't work out as planned somehow.
Wildstar is a clone, and my experience has been positive so far. I have no idea how the devs got so many features into the game and have it all working at launch. I guess experience, but whatever it is kudos.
People dump on the cartoony graphics. But cartoony graphics have longevity. How would WoW look today if it had used the "realistic" graphics available at it's release?
Remove all community, all horizontal content, all combat from the game, and give people a tab-targeting straight vertical afk quest grind and keep moving the finish line farther back every few months, and they will love you for it for years. So much so, that it is to the point that you cannot succeed without it, and if you do not do it, they will clamor for it.
Remove all community, all horizontal content, all combat from the game, and give people a tab-targeting straight vertical afk quest grind and keep moving the finish line farther back every few months, and they will love you for it for years. So much so, that it is to the point that you cannot succeed without it, and if you do not do it, they will clamor for it.
danreckerpreub18_ESO wrote: »
Remove all community, all horizontal content, all combat from the game, and give people a tab-targeting straight vertical afk quest grind and keep moving the finish line farther back every few months, and they will love you for it for years. So much so, that it is to the point that you cannot succeed without it, and if you do not do it, they will clamor for it.
I agree with most of your points to a degree, save for this one. MMO's need to maintain appearances for the sake of believability - people want to play a game, even if it isn't all that much fun, MMO's need to appear to be something people will enjoy.
Also, these days - Community involves epeen measurements, and some manner of arena in which achievement / number grinders can attempt to bludgeon each other into submission with their respective epeens.
There's a joke somewhere in here about Molag Bal... Molag Balls? Molagsticles?
Eh, i'm too lazy :P
I agree, and that's something they need to change REAL fast by offering more content, things to do, all throughout the game (housing, solve grouping issues, guild functions, more crafting options) rather than just add X more VR levels and a new area to the end of the road.That's true. But that's all ESO offers. A questing treadmill. When you get to the end you just unsub I guess?