Kingslayer wrote: »What they should do is nerf the loot somewhat that way the grind is their at least.
Well - I'm sure to get some negative feedback on this, but I disagree.
In all reality Craglorn should have been LOCKED down to VR9-VR12 players only. This is my humble opinion and most likely not shared by most players.
WHY? Cause you couldn't get to the 2nd Alliance for VR5-VR10 without completing VR1-VR5 first Alliance. Why was CRAGLORN wide open for VR1? That was the most stupid thing ZOS could have done. (IMHO). I sat at a couple anomalies and laughed. Watching VR1's, VR2's, etc. just grinding away. Each taking the SLIM chance of getting the XP for the Crystal or Boss.
Me.. Templar Healer (VR12) - so my time at Anomalies was SHORT. I ended up grinding VR10-VR12 in a weekend doing dungeon's in Craglorn instead with about 10 hours time investment I was VR12 (oh boy).
Suggestions to "FIX" this whole anomaly thing and Craglorn:
- Lock out all players that have not finished Cadwell's 2nd Alliance. Yea- Go Grind the zones first folks. I hate to say that cause that grind sucks.
- Fix XP/VP award so that anyone that contributes gets XP/VP.
- RESET the RESPAWN timer and be SMART about it. RANDOMIZE the respawn timers on all them so people can NOT find a pattern and farm.
- LOOT drop was crazy, but no need to NERF it if the respawn is corrected.
Now some will say I'm a VR12 being a complete SOB and others will say I have an axe to grind, and more just "VR12" doesn't care about others, but none of the above really. I mention this because showing up in Craglorn as a VR1 ruins the ability of players to LEARN some of the skills and class tools in the VR content. Second and more importantly it doesn't show the VR1 player how Hard VR fights really are when everyone gangs up and races to kill a crystal and one boss. What does that mean to other players and what is my biggest BEEF? To be BLUNT - A crap ton of NOOB's that have no idea how to not get slaughtered in Trials and/or VET Dungeons they should have run while leveling VR1-VR10. Not being elitist or snobby (I'd love to run trials more - but like I said Templar Healer).
Now all that said: I totally HATED leveling VR1-VR10 content and feel that ZOS really screwed up on that portion of the game, but feel that we shouldn't leave a giant shortcut in the game either. Watching zone chat tonight confirmed that we don't have a LOT of "LOVE and FUN" going on as OP mentioned, but just the opposite. Lots of "we must have had a BADDIE on our team" and general zone chat bickering about how one guy did better than another while drinking his Mt. Dew. Really? That's "Fun" and "Getting along" to folks?
Yea, I was pretty sure my wall of text is not going to be "Agree" selected much. LOL
I don't have any great ideas on how they can fix VR1-VR10 grind. Nice we have loop holes, but ZOS needs to wake up and "FIX/ADDRESS" how terrible it is to do that grind cause NOBODY wants to do that. I refuse to level an ALT beyond 50 just for that reason. Even with my MAIN being a Templar Healer. I'll just pop around on my lowbie DK and SORC for fun instead of go thru that terrible design of leveling.
Actually its a loot issue, same we had with public dungeon bosses after release.
You can loot tons of good drops just by leeching.
Imho a timer to the reward chest is the only fix we need.
Actually its a loot issue, same we had with public dungeon bosses after release.
You can loot tons of good drops just by leeching.
Imho a timer to the reward chest is the only fix we need.
So you think people are there more for the loot than the xp? I guess each have their own opinion. Though like I said personally the loot doesn't bother me so they could add a loot timer I suppose.
@Inco I disagree with the fact you
However I agree that VR1-VR10 was ruined by Zenimax. That's one of the reasons I love Craglorn, it allows me to level my character without having to 'ruin' my faction pride or immersion. At least now I can run an Alt and have those other factions fresh to enjoy them !
Yea, I was pretty sure my wall of text is not going to be "Agree" selected much. LOL
I don't have any great ideas on how they can fix VR1-VR10 grind. Nice we have loop holes, but ZOS needs to wake up and "FIX/ADDRESS" how terrible it is to do that grind cause NOBODY wants to do that. I refuse to level an ALT beyond 50 just for that reason. Even with my MAIN being a Templar Healer. I'll just pop around on my lowbie DK and SORC for fun instead of go thru that terrible design of leveling.
I hear ya @Maximis_ESO - I was not a FAN of the FORCED to do all factions. Was totally useless for me to roll ALTS in other factions to play.
Yea, I was pretty sure my wall of text is not going to be "Agree" selected much. LOL
I don't have any great ideas on how they can fix VR1-VR10 grind. Nice we have loop holes, but ZOS needs to wake up and "FIX/ADDRESS" how terrible it is to do that grind cause NOBODY wants to do that. I refuse to level an ALT beyond 50 just for that reason. Even with my MAIN being a Templar Healer. I'll just pop around on my lowbie DK and SORC for fun instead of go thru that terrible design of leveling.
I hear ya @Maximis_ESO - I was not a FAN of the FORCED to do all factions. Was totally useless for me to roll ALTS in other factions to play.
By the way, where they said they are 'fixing' it? I missed that.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Thanks for your feedback on this, everyone. We are making some adjustments to this that you'll see in our next patch on Monday.
While playing yesterday (most of which in Craglorn) the subject of the upcoming anomaly nerf on Monday came into conversation a number of times, quite a few times actually.
Now, while I can see the logic behind Zenimax's reason for this I don't think they have fully grasped the implications of what it will do. OK its intended to stop people rushing through VR1-VR12 and in some ways that's a good thing.
However, it's TOO LATE ! Many people ( a large portion in fact) have already done that and are VR12's. I know more than a handful who are already levelling alts to VR12.
All this is going to do is force another prolonged gap between those who are already there and those who are not yet. Its "too little, too late" again.
Zenimax, think back to when you nerfed the drop rate of rare motifs, again "too little, too late". Hundreds of people had already farmed the hell out of them and had made thousands(hundreds of thousands) in gold. You then nerf it and the majority of ESO's population got left behind and were angry about it.
If you go ahead and nerf Craglorn's anomalies you will have the same situation. A massive chunk of the population are already at VR12 and preparing for the next update, thousands are just going to be alienated and left further behind. The 'Carrot and Stick' approach only really works if sometimes you do get the carrot !
The best way to do this would be to drop/slow the xp rate for update 1.3 !
This would then still allow all those who have reached VR12 to enjoy the new content but allow everybody else (the greater proportion of your player base) to slowly catch up !
Nerfing the lower levels ability to progress is only going to fragment the community, not to mention leaving masses of players truly fracked-off. Just think before you act this time guys... leave existing Craglorn as it is, and balance out the levelling system starting with update 1.3. It will still take time but at least this was all of ESO's player base will eventually level out for end-game content.
Most the time in Craglorn at the moment there is a good atmosphere.... DON'T RUIN IT ! ! !